Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Everything I Need

As I sit indoors and think about this past year, I am filled with a sense of wonder.
 We've made it through another one.  There have been highs and lows, yet the good times are the things that stand out most in my mind. 

Those first days of spring.  Always it is nature that speaks to me. 
The days become a bit longer.
 The first sighting of green.  That hint in the air that the cold won't last forever.

And then glorious summer.
  Sitting outdoors in the garden. 
Grandchildren running and playing in the yard.
  Their laughter brings smiles even now as I think of those long warm days.

And then as the days become a little shorter, but those colors become more vivid,
my thoughts turn to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Those wonderful holidays that bring family and friends together. 
We celebrate by being together, sharing our love . 
What a lovely way to end the year.

Of course Winter always comes..those cold days that keep me hidden in my warm home. 
But as I wrap up and look out my window at the cold, I can only be grateful for my circumstances.  How fortunate to live in such a beautiful home, so close to our mountains.
 Close to friends, family..to be able to care for little ones. 
Even when the cold winter surrounds, I must always think of these blessings.

For I know that I have all I need to be happy.
 A loving husband, my children, grandchildren, friends, and family. 
Another year to be grateful..
 I have everything.
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