Sunday, April 28, 2013

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday Jim and I celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary. 
 It is hard to put into words how I feel about our life together.  
 As I look through pictures and see what we have built together I am filled with gratitude for the life we have together. 
We have had much joy together,
 we have had many trials..yet we come through together, stronger. 
 We have built a home, a family..a wonderful life.

We've travelled and seen the world together. 
 We love seeing different places, but we always love coming home. 
 We have been blessed with a lovely home and dear friends.

We've seen our family change over the years. 
Our children have grown and had families of their own.  
 This, of course has added to our joy. 
 There is nothing better than being grandparents.

We are blessed to enjoy together the things that we love. 
 Our family, home, living in such beautiful surroundings
 where we are able to enjoy the changing seasons.

And I am especially blessed, because I get to spend my time with this handsome man. 
He only gets better with age. 
When I was just a young eighteen year old girl,
he came to my door to pick me up for a blind date. 
 I looked into his beautiful brown eyes and immediately feel in love
 (so did my mother, much to her dismay,
she knew she had just lost her young daughter.) 
well, he still has that effect on me to this day. 

So Happy Anniversary Jim..
 (still love looking in those eyes) 
 thank you for sticking around and loving me all these years. 

1 comment:

whit said...

Happy Anniversary to you guys! Thanks for being such great parents.