Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fifty Years ago..John F. Kennedy visited SLC and I was There

When I was ten years old, my mom took me to see President John F. Kennedy. 
 It was September 26th of 1963.  He came to Salt Lake City for a visit. 
 I don't know why she took me, but she and her friend took me and my friend to see the President.  My parents had not voted for President Kennedy. They supported Richard Nixon.  (I guess it was before they realized how "tricky" he really was.) 
Anyway, off we went to see the President.
  He was to speak at the Mormon Tabernacle on Temple Square, right in the middle of all that was Mormon. 
 Thinking back it is amazing to me how many people were there. 
 Downtown Salt Lake City was packed. 
 This was conservative Repulican Utah.  But he was our President, and back then people thought it was cool to see and hear the leader of the nation, even if you didn't vote for him. 
 It was too crowded for us to get into the Tabernacle or even Temple Square.
  It would be a while so we just decided to hang out at the west entrance of what was then Hotel Utah, hoping to get a glimpse of his car as he drove down the street.  The main entrance of the hotel faced south, so we were amazed when his bubble topped car slowed down and stopped right at our entrance and he got out. 
We were within about five feet of the President. 
 (Probably an impossibility today.) 
 I don't even remember any secret service, although I'm sure they were there. 
 He was very tall and handsome with beautiful eyes.
  I remember, even at ten thinking he had gorgeous eyes. 
 He looked straight into my eyes and smiled and waved and was gone into the hotel. 
Of course I didn't know then what would happen in just a few weeks time. 
I have never forgotten that experience.
It was just two months later as I sat in the lunch room in my school that the nation heard the horrifying events unfolding in Dallas. 
 The nation came together mourning the loss of this bright young man. 
It seems strange to know that its been 50 years. 
 It doesn't seem that long ago. 
 I've always loved history. 
 I guess I'm getting old enough to be one of those people who say "I remember when...."

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Peter Paul & Mary - If I Had Wings

Just happened to be listening to this song.  One of my favorite Peter, Paul and Mary songs.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Goals - Learn a new Talent every 30 years

When I was in my teens I took singing lessons. 
 I worked hard, had an extremely good teacher and enjoyed singing. 
 At the age of thirty I decided I needed to learn something new.
  I am extremely untalented when it comes to the arts, so I decided to stretch myself and took up painting. 
 This was very difficult for me, but I practiced and practiced and proved to myself that with enough practice you could get fairly good at anything. 
Well, another thirty years have passed and I've decided it's time to learn something else..
I've taken up the harmonica!
My first lesson was today. 
 It was actually quite fun, so I think I'll go back and hopefully with a little bit of practice I might be able to play a song or two.
 ( I wonder what I'll come up with when I turn 90 !  It seems I'm on a thirty year learning curve.)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

An Evening with James Taylor

I've been looking forward to this concert all summer.
  I've seen my friend, James sing every time he's made his way to SLC. 
 I listen to him in my car, when I'm cleaning or relaxing. 
You could say, I'm a fan since way back
 As crazy as it sounds,
I'm even a member of his Fan Club!!! 
I'm a groupie!
Being a member paid off last night.  
 When Jim and I got to the door our tickets showed at the conference center,
 the host exclaimed, "who do you know.. you have great seats!" 
We were kind of stunned wondering what she was talking about,
 but just kept following along as we were guided closer and closer to our
reserved seats..right down in front and in the center! 
We were shocked! 
We were told it was because we got our tickets through the James Taylor Fan Club which I had gone through!   
 The evening only got better as the Utah Symphony and the Tabernacle Choir opened the evening with several fabulous musical selections.
I always love hearing the choir sing "When the Saints go Marchin In." 
 I love John Rutter's arrangement. 
 It could only be made better if Dad was sitting next to me to enjoy it as well. 
(Maybe he was). 
James Taylor's selections were perfect. 
Loved every song he sang, but when he sang "Shed a Little Light"  with the choir as his back up,
 I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.
  Of course his last song with the choir and symphony "Shower the People" was  unreal, 
 but then, as he sang "Sweet Baby James" for his encore, the evening was made perfect.
The sound in the Concert Center is so beautiful.
  Everything about the evening was just what I'd hoped for. 
 A lovely way to end the summer. 
 Thanks James!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

"The fragrance always stays in the hand that give the Rose"

What a wonderful world. 
 That is a strange sentence to write down after reading the newspaper and listening to the news.  There are so many things going on that can bring a person down.
 I have had a particularly rough month.
 But even with all the heartache, physical illness and all kinds of other strange goings on..there is still so much of heaven everywhere.
 The contrast for me is so strong.
 When I get down or falter or go back a step or two,
 what keeps me going is the army that Heavenly Father chose to bless me with.
   I believe that Heavenly Father works through us.
 I am constantly amazed by the courage of people like Tyler Hallsey and his family and Burgen Jensen and her family.
 They give me strength.

 I live in an area that could only be called Heaven in the middle of a world in crisis.
  Here we have a bit of peace. 
A little bit of land with houses dotting the hill..and those homes are filled with people who all have problems,
 but who take care of each other
Such a pure love dwells here. 
The closeness that we feel is priceless.
 The love that ties us together is a rare thread, it doesn't break.
 All of the people give of themselves over and over again.  They never stop, they just keep on giving.  I have been the recipient of their generosity and love over and over.
"..have miracles ceased?  Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men."
Moroni 71: 29
Miracles have not ceased and angels do exist. 
They are all living in my neighborhood. 
" is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever.."
Moroni 71:47
And these angels who live here have the charity that this scripture is talking about. 

My dear friends and neighbors have given out so many roses over the years. 
It smells like a rose garden as you walk down the street.

I am so grateful I live among these lovely people.