Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fifty Years ago..John F. Kennedy visited SLC and I was There

When I was ten years old, my mom took me to see President John F. Kennedy. 
 It was September 26th of 1963.  He came to Salt Lake City for a visit. 
 I don't know why she took me, but she and her friend took me and my friend to see the President.  My parents had not voted for President Kennedy. They supported Richard Nixon.  (I guess it was before they realized how "tricky" he really was.) 
Anyway, off we went to see the President.
  He was to speak at the Mormon Tabernacle on Temple Square, right in the middle of all that was Mormon. 
 Thinking back it is amazing to me how many people were there. 
 Downtown Salt Lake City was packed. 
 This was conservative Repulican Utah.  But he was our President, and back then people thought it was cool to see and hear the leader of the nation, even if you didn't vote for him. 
 It was too crowded for us to get into the Tabernacle or even Temple Square.
  It would be a while so we just decided to hang out at the west entrance of what was then Hotel Utah, hoping to get a glimpse of his car as he drove down the street.  The main entrance of the hotel faced south, so we were amazed when his bubble topped car slowed down and stopped right at our entrance and he got out. 
We were within about five feet of the President. 
 (Probably an impossibility today.) 
 I don't even remember any secret service, although I'm sure they were there. 
 He was very tall and handsome with beautiful eyes.
  I remember, even at ten thinking he had gorgeous eyes. 
 He looked straight into my eyes and smiled and waved and was gone into the hotel. 
Of course I didn't know then what would happen in just a few weeks time. 
I have never forgotten that experience.
It was just two months later as I sat in the lunch room in my school that the nation heard the horrifying events unfolding in Dallas. 
 The nation came together mourning the loss of this bright young man. 
It seems strange to know that its been 50 years. 
 It doesn't seem that long ago. 
 I've always loved history. 
 I guess I'm getting old enough to be one of those people who say "I remember when...."

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