Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Comings and Goings in February..Sunbeams, Grandkids, Birthdays, Arnold Friberg

It's almost the middle of February and the days never seem to slow down.  
I teach the Sunbeams in Primary. 
 Last year's class was a mix of two boys and three quiet little girls. 
 This year there are six little boys.  Such cute little boys, but full of it as all boys that age are!
I am constantly trying to think of new and creative ways to get their attention.
  Am so grateful for the internet and all the great ideas people are willing to share. 
I am also grateful for a team teacher who helps as we try to teach these little boys.

This last week the lesson was how Heavenly Father and Jesus love us. 
 What could be a more perfect lesson the week before valentines?  
I based a lot of the lesson on the song "My Heavenly Father loves Me." 
 They went on a hunt trying to find the pictures that went along and then they were able to put them in their heart envelope. 
 Hopefully they will remember they are loved.

Days are never dull when spent with Jake, Sam and Dylan. 
They keep me moving!
I love getting up to see Whitney and Wren for a little shopping at City Creek.  
We celebrated Melanie's birthday last week with Whitney's coming up!

Am missing this family, and hoping the snow stops back east soon.  
Otherwise we may not see them this summer as they will be in school til August with all the snow days they've taken. 
 "The Sun will Come out Tomorrow!"

The perks of retirement!  At 3:00 pm today,
 Jim came downstairs and said "lets go see the Arnold Friberg exhibit!" 
 We jumped in the car and went to Gateway and totally enjoyed his beautiful paintings. 
 He painted in watercolor, oils, pencil sketches..everything.  There were paintings of his I had never seen before.  Loved to see the ones he did as young as seven!
  I loved reading the history behind his work.  
What a gifted artist.  

So there's our mid winter wrap up!  Have a Happy Week.

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