Friday, August 31, 2007

The Perfect Day

Yesterday was one of those days you have to put in your memory as "perfect days". Started out remembering Ty's birthday..then got ready for a lunch with Marty,Tom, Julie, and Jo. We had a nice long lunch, good food and lots of talking about our families..Marty brought copies of her fun Oma newsletter and copies of the Midway histories. Always fun to be all together and catch up. Then I met up with my golfing (former, hopefully to resume next summer) friends as they were clearing out their family home, because of parents passing away...they have been working for the past 6 months to get the house ready to sell. I walked in..nothing was out of place, the fride fully stocked and they were out on the porch drinking cokes and laughing and remembering. Their whole lives had been spent coming and going from that house. The house will probably be torn down, because it will be sold as commercial property...but those fun family memories that all families have can never be torn down..they just get carried to different places with new faces that add to the mix. Finally at the end of the day Abby, Mike, Whitney, Jason, Nick, Jim and I came together to celebrate Ty's birthday. (he came too) We had pizza and cake, admired Jason and Whitney's new short haircuts (courtesy of Megan Bagley) and watched Abby's stomach jump around. Very relaxed and fun. We missed the PA DeSpain gang..but look forward to seeing them around Thanksgiving! I felt tired at the end of the day. I'm doing what I'm calling "A leap of faith" (got the idea from Taylor, who continually is taking leaps of faith on the baseball field) Prednizone every other day..A whole week! Got a cold, conquered it! Also, heard that Marie might be joining the blogging world soon, so welcome, hope to hear from you soon.


mama jo said...

sounds wonderful...keep it up..

Pedaling said...

Hi Paula, been reading your blog - my little way of checking in on you and your family.