Thursday, September 6, 2007

Happy Birthday to Mod!

What would I ever do without my sister Marty? She has been with me since the beginning. I remember going into her room downstairs in our Twinview house..for some reason this seemed special. Marty taught me all about style..when we got older we would have terrible fights over her clothes. She always had the greatest clothes and when she left for school I would go and take something out of her closet, so I could be as cute as her..I always got caught, but it was worth it. I think we really got close when Marty went to BYU. I remember staying there with her for a weekend and being so excited to go to Provo to stay with my sister. Later, both young married moms, we would talk on the phone for hours. It was contact from the outside world for us as we stayed in and took care of our babies. Her kids were mine and mine were hers as we traded tending all the time. I learned many of my mothering skills from Marty. She is always there at the end of the phone line, with cheerful advice, loving concern and lots of laughter. I'm grateful we have been together all this time. Nothing replaces sisters. I love you and have a great year!


Mom2fur said...

Happy Birthday, Marty! Are you a Marta or a Martha? My mil was one, my sister is the other. I hope you have a wonderful day that starts a wonderful year!

Gramafolly, I bloghopped here from "According to Kelly" because I liked your comment about achievement!

Travelin'Oma said...

Thanks for a lovely blogcard! I feel so lucky to have sisters.

Jake said...

Thanks for being such a great sister to my mom. I learned so much from you growing up...what a great family I have!