Saturday, September 29, 2007

Remembering Grama Lundgren

Grama Lundgren was the sweetest grama in the whole world. She left me the most precious gift I could ever get. Letters and writings about her grandchildren and her thoughts on world events. I love them, they are in her handwriting. They are like little messages from the past, but remind me how some things just don't change. She made a scrapbook for me when I was little and it is very ragged, but I keep it safe and bring it out sometimes so I can visit with Grama just for a little while. Here are some of her writings. "We were to dinner on Father's Day 1956 at June and Gerald's. Marty, Tommy and Paula put on a show. It beat all the television shows we ever could see. Marty takes dancing lessons so she of course was the star." Another entry, "Paula's sixth birthday was a lovely day. I had just gotten home from the hospital. The RS President and her counselors were visiting me when in came two of the most lovely little girls. Paula had a pretty green silk formal on. She had a necklace, a ribbon with a big card-board six hanging on it. Jolyn was dressed up too. They both had their pretty blue Easter Jackets, They looked so sweet and I was so proud of them." One more entry " Feb 10, 1956.. One of those wonderful (quiet) days when the three little Indian Bagley's were here. If you have gotten into a rut and the house seems a morgue, just have these little kiddies over and you come to life at once. Marty and I made valentines. It's fun to live the old days over again. After Tommie had had his rough and tumble till we forgot about his nap, he settled down to the TV Paula had a lot of phoning to catch up on, so for about an hour, she sat by the phone pretending she was phoning. She chatted and chatted. If any one tried to disturb her, she gave them a look that meant "Don't bother me now, can't you see I'm busy" One night the whole family came in with hats of many lands. Jiggs wore a scotch hat, Marty and Tommy had Mexican hats, June had Jigg's straw hat, but Paula would have none of such foolishness. She was prim in her best bonnet. What a life and what would we old foggys do if we didn't have these livewires around. Mr. Bageley (she really spelled it like that) was counting on Paula's fingers how many days till their vacation time came. He counted her thumb in. She said, "my thumb ain't a day". One night Paula decided she wanted a new bed. She got her pillow and blanket and made a bed on the floor. That didn't suit her so she made her bed in a long drawer below the closet in the hall. There she fell to sleep. During the night she stirred and her Daddy thinking she was awake, got up..there she was still asleep with her legs hanging over the drawer. What a fine picture it was. Gerald put her in her bed. Next morning she was mad as could be because someone had moved her out of her drawer bed. At one point Grama writes " June can see herself growing up if she wants to". That's enough for now, but reading this reassures me that life doesn't change that much..We still feel the same way about our families, our kids, sisters and brothers and our grandchildren that grama Lundgren did. It is that part of life I like to think about. To know those wonderful people before us, loved us just like we love ours. In the very beginning of the scrapbook Grama write's words to live by: "You can't describe love; you can't define it. Only it goes with you all your life. I think that love is more like a light that you carry. At first childish happiness keeps it lighted and after that romance. Then motherhood lights it and then duty, and maybe after that sorrow. You wouldn't think that sorrow could be a light would you dear? But it can. And then after that service lights it. Yes, I think that is what love is to a woman. A lantern in her hand." She wrote this quote down when I was very little. It is from the book "A lantern in her hand". Funny that years later that book would become one of my's where I got the name Abby from.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to Mike!

Today is Mike's birthday. He has been married to Abby for a little over 6 years. I would like to tell him how greatful I am that he took Abby on. (Not an easy task) and being with you, she has blossomed and grown and turned into a beautiful mother to be. I think Abby was looking for you all her life and when she found you, you didn't have a chance. You also fit into our family perfectly. You are best friends with Jamey and when the 4 little DeSpain boys come to town, they want to see you fast! They always say "Where's Mike"? As soon as they come in the door. (I think they think you live with us). I still want to see you play dance dance revolution with them. You play golf, which is very important for the men in this family, you love sports. You are a perfectionist in everything you do. Your house and yard show how you and Abby work together so well to create a beautiful home. I can't wait to see Abby and baby Jake together, but for some strange reason I am most excited to see you with that new baby! Your life will never be the same! Thanks for whisking Abby off to Hawaii (I've almost forgiven you) and making my daughter happier than she has ever been. You are a great son-in-law, and Jim and I love you. Happy Birthday.....

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I was looking at my journal from last year at this time. One of the things that pops up regularly is that I love my yard. An entry last fall says "I looked outside in my backyard this morning and marvelled at all the beautiful, gold, yellow, orange, purple and green all wound around each other like ribbons running through each leaf. I thought of all the time, hard work and money I put into planting flowers last spring, and don't get me wrong because I love the selecting process of which flowers would look good and where to plant them. I even love the planting and watering and then sitting outside and enjoying the beauty in the summer. But I couldn't help but think that now that it is fall, nature takes over and the beauty and color is there in even brighter glory than anything I could produce myself. Of course Heavenly Father know what He is doing as master gardner, He created this world, so everything He does is perfect. He know what looks beautiful." I read or see on the news almost daily all of the horrible things happening somewhere, but even with all the heartache, emotional and physical illness and all kinds of other strange goings on, there is still so much of Heaven everywhere. The contrast for me is so strong, beacause when I get down or falter or go back a step or two, what keeps me going is the army that Heavenly Father chose to bless me with. He didn't just send a few people to help, he called out the troops and those troops include all those that I live near and all my family members. My neighborhood is like a little bit of heaven right in the middle of a world in crisis. Here we have some peace. We all have problems, but we take care of each other. I found a quote in a notebook of mom's that said "The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose." That is just a little of my gratitude journal from last year. Greater things are about to happen. Feeling well, looking forward to Abby and Mike's new little boy, seeing the other little boys during Thanksgiving, watching Whitney and Abby create beautiful handcrafted items. Being able to watch Luke play soccer on the computer, going to a show and dinner with Jim. Hearing stories of Nick's teaching experiences (they are lucky students) Seeing and hearing from James, Becky and Tyler now and then. They are all busy doing great things. Being greatful is good for the soul. You all have been giving me roses for the past few years, so your hands must smell wonderful.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday School Lesson

I am suppose to be preparing my SS lesson, but I got carried away into blogworld. I was hoping I would get some wonderful ideas for my lesson by reading about you. The lesson is on gifts of the spirit. And guess what???? I did get some ideas from you. The lesson talks about taking the wrong path instead of being like a train that vears off in the wrong direction. I read about 5 general authority talks on the subject, before I switched to the blog. As I read through each of your comments I realized that we have been given a great gift. It is our family and friends and even though some of us go off for awhile we get back on the right track. We have fun together. The second generation girls are all talented and get together and are happy when fun events happen to each other, and sad if something goes wrong. I have been given many gifts of the spirit this last year and a half..benefitting from your calls, prayers, your concern and love. I could (and did go off the deep end sometimes), but because of you I hung on and feel a great peacefullness that I will be well and be able to join in more enthusiastically. I love you all and am so glad we keep in contact with this great new invention called THE BLOGGING WORLD!!!!!!! It is so fun to see what you are doing. Have a Good Sunday..

Monday, September 10, 2007

I love my Home

I'm rereading a book I read as a little girl. Mom gave it to me in 1966, 41 years ago!! I've always loved it because it was about a mom who expressed her joys, sorrows, worries, happiness. She recognized the value of giving children a good start in life. Here is a quote from the book that I read yesterday. She's getting a little older and her children are trying to get her to move to a smaller place. This is what she thought of their suggestions. "Everything looked familiar,-friendly. There would never be another real home for her. Home was something besides so much lumber and plaster. You built your thoughts into the frame work. You planted a little of your heart with the trees and the shrubbery. It was the only old home the children had ever known. There ought to be a central place, to which they could always bring their joys and sorrows, - an old familiar place for them to return to on Sundays and Christmases. An old home ought always to stand like a mother with open arms. It ought to be here waiting for the children to come to it, like homing pigeons." As she looked beyond the poplars, stared for a moment beyond the Lombardy poplars into the deepening prairie twilight. No, she said quietly, you wouldn't understand. It won't be lonely here." I loved this passage because it is how I feel about my home. It is not a big house, There are many things that need fixing and updating, but I love to walk around the rooms and the yard. I do love to travel and see new things, but if I can't, I can vacation in my own backyard, laying on a lounge chair. I am grateful for these simple pleasures.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Happy Birthday to Mod!

What would I ever do without my sister Marty? She has been with me since the beginning. I remember going into her room downstairs in our Twinview house..for some reason this seemed special. Marty taught me all about style..when we got older we would have terrible fights over her clothes. She always had the greatest clothes and when she left for school I would go and take something out of her closet, so I could be as cute as her..I always got caught, but it was worth it. I think we really got close when Marty went to BYU. I remember staying there with her for a weekend and being so excited to go to Provo to stay with my sister. Later, both young married moms, we would talk on the phone for hours. It was contact from the outside world for us as we stayed in and took care of our babies. Her kids were mine and mine were hers as we traded tending all the time. I learned many of my mothering skills from Marty. She is always there at the end of the phone line, with cheerful advice, loving concern and lots of laughter. I'm grateful we have been together all this time. Nothing replaces sisters. I love you and have a great year!