Saturday, October 20, 2007

I Can't Remember anything

I woke up about an hour ago, and couldn't go to sleep, so I was just laying there thinking..I'm probably waking up just as Marty goes to bed. any way, I thought about stuff and then I decided to go and blog it. Came downstairs, got on the computer, read a few emails, a few blogs, and now I am sitting here at 4:30 am and I can't remember what I was going to write about. If I had just stayed in bed, I know I would have remembered, but I would have gone crazy, thinking about this great I had to hurry and go and write. First thing I found out is that if you are over 50...write the second the thought will be gone forever if you don't....or you will think of it at Testimony meeting out of the blue and you'll jump up and tell all about your hysterectomy, uteris, tubes and all (this really happened, only happily it wasn't me). Jim has his instructions---no testimonies til I'm totally well. Speaking of being well, the last month has been wonderful. I couldn't believe how well I have felt! Then about a week ago..I started going down hill. I thought....I can't, I can't do this anymore. I cried most of the week.. My family thinks I'm crazy (that is one of the side effects of this medicine-..the family) I ache so bad that I get up and take baths at 3:00 in the morning. My good friend Fat (refer to heading) told me to pretend like I was pregnant..Pregant woman cry all the time, but they know there is an end in sight. So now I have decided I am no longer a gypsy, (I got knockedup during that time) I am just pregnant and in a few months I will have gone through all this with many lessons learned, my health returned and...there won't be a baby to get up and feed and all that fun stuff that Abby get's to look forward to. Well, I've written long enough and still can't think of the wonderful blog I was going to I'll quit writing and maybe sometime on Fast Sunday...I won't bear my testimony, I'll just jump up and run home and write my blog.

1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

I'd rather be sick than pregnant. That would make me REALLY sick.