Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Friend Teri

Two years ago I wrote a small tribute to our neighborhood, from time to time I have posted exerts from this little book. It is how we are all tied together with thread making a beautiful patchwork quilt. This is the part about my friend Teri.

Teri and I have probably walked hundreds of miles together. If you walk for exercise for twenty eight years it has to be many miles. Of course in those walks we have solved many problems and many still remain unsolved. We probably have gained a pound or two around the middle during all that walking which seems strange, and yet I think our jaws are thinner, because of all the talking! (written b/illness) I would like to state right here for the record that we do not gossip on these walks. We solve world problems and mysteries and the many strange goings on in the neighborhood. Never gossiping, but only trying to understand and solve problems and in some helpful way figure out why everyone is so strange. We come up with lots of answers, but of course not much changes, and so I sometimes wonder....what was all that walking for???? If we don't loose weight and don't solve the problems our neighbors are having or our own problems or the world's problems, and our jaws are tired from all that talking and our heads ache from all the thinking, what does it all mean? Maybe Teri and I have our own patch in the quilt. It has two women walking, talking and laughing and the stitches are very uneven and sometimes wonder on to another patch. But maybe that patch with all it's stitches kept us a little sane as we raised nine children and 2 husbands between the two of us.....friends are priceless.

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