Friday, September 19, 2008

The Pure Love of Christ

I remember years ago I heard a young missionary speak.  He had come home early from his mission to make some things right,  and was so worried about meeting his parents at the airport.  What would they think? He knew he had disappointed them...he was so upset with himself for letting them down.  He knew he had made some wrong choices, how would they react?  As the plane landed and came to a stop his anxiety grew higher..... he walked down the runway and there at the end of that runway were his mom and dad, tears rolling down their faces and arms held out, waiting for him,  filled with nothing but love and concern for their son.  He said that as he saw his parents standing there with arms out,  it was if the Savior was standing  there ... and gratitude filled the young man's heart, gratitude for his parents who had a Christlike love for him.  He knew then he could go forward and make things right in his life because he felt the Savior's love thru his parents.  I have always remembered this story and watched this young man as he grew older...he made things right in his life...continued to keep commandments, was married in the Temple and has a lovely family. Things could have been different for him if he had not felt that pure love. I hope I can always follow the example of those great parents who stood with arms held wide as the Savior does, welcoming any with a heavy heart, for they truly had the pure love of Christ as they welcomed their son home that day.

1 comment:

mama jo said...

a great story we need to all remember