Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hot Topic

This is such a sensitive issue, but I do feel strongly about it and want to put my feelings down on my blog. As I watched the news last night and read the newspaper this morning and have listened to what has been going on in California these past weeks concerning prop 8, I have thought alot about what's happening and it bothers me. Let me state first that I love gays. Some of the nicest most compassionate people I know are gay. .But I am upset, because the LDS church did not come out and say they were against gays. They said they were for Tradional Marriage between a man and a woman. That's all. And that is what I support. In the Tribune this morning I read and I agree that "the LDS church is singled out for speaking up as part of its democratic right in a free election... millions of others from every faith, ethnicity and political affiliation made their feelings known, why is the LDS church a target and its sacred place of worship for being a part of the democratic process? " Some of the Comments in the Tribune said "the LDS church should understand, because we used to practice polygamy", .... But once it was outlawed the church stopped the practice. What I feel gets mixed up here is "The Church" and the "people of the church". Back when the church stopped polygamy according to the laws of the land, there were still people who continued to practice polygamy...that was their choice, it was not recognized by the church anymore. Today our prophet came out in a stance for Traditional Marriage...there was no bigotry or hate there, only a stand for the very foundation of our eternal family. If people want to take that and turn the church into a hateful, bigoted run institution...then ask the millions in New Orleans, Africa, South America, Asia...every continent on the globe who have benefited from the church's humanitarian efforts... ask those people if the church ever asked what color they were, who their partner was, if they were married, no ...they just go and spend millions helping where they are needed whenever and wherever asked.
My feeling is that the Church must think it is pretty important to go through all this trouble to take a stand on Traditional Marriage. For me, eternal families are what keep me going. It was 11 years yesterday since mom died and the reunion with her and see Jim when he runs to see his dad. To see Maude as she see's her grandchildren. And then to be united with all of the strong wonderful people who are such examples to me, helps me to keep trying to be a better person here on earth... striving to be more like those that went before me, so that I can be with them when I am finished here.


Tom and Julie said...

My sentiments exactly! Beautifully stated!


mama jo said...

hear, hear!! that was stated the problem perfectly....wish everyone else would listen

Travelin'Oma said...

Very well said!