Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Have I done anything special for someone today?

I gave a lesson in Relief Society on Sunday. It was
based on President Monson's talk
"Have I done something special for someone today?"
I've been thinking about this talk for several months,
knowing that this lesson was coming up. I love President Monson's
example of service to those that need it most.
In my lesson we talked alot about helping those
we come in contact with on a day to day basis.
Helping each one we meet feel special.
I decided as a new year's resolution,
(along with all the obvious ones that I make each year)
that I would try each day to make someone
I come in contact with feel special and good
about the day and themselves.
It shouldn't be such a difficult thing.
But sometimes I get caught up in
what is going in my life and forget others.
But how much better my world will be
if I can make just one person a day
feel better about themselves and
their own life. Just a smile, or a hug
or an encouraging word can help
brighten anyone's day. It certainly
can't hurt!
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Monday, December 28, 2009

My Favorite Things

At this time of year I like to sit back and think of the lovely Christmas season that I have just experienced, and then
look forward to the new year that is ahead. There are snowstorms still to come, yet I know that the winter will melt
into spring. There is always something just around the corner waiting to happen! Life is full of unexpected pleasures
and I can't wait to see what this year holds. As I get to cuddle baby Sam, who is changing everyday and am met by
the door with Jake's entusiastic "it's Grama Polly", I can truly say that these are a few of my favorite things!

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Hope you had as nice a day as I did!

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Christmas Eve

We had a lovely time at our house tonight! It's always fun
when our kids get together with their cousins.

We have a little soup, some
delicious pretzel jello and then play games.
Merry Christmas!

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Monday, December 21, 2009

What is Important?

One year, with the help of a friend I made this Santa for my
mom. It was a labor of love. The fun part was that each part
of the Santa's clothing was made from something of my mom's.
An old beaver coat, served as his cape, part of some mink cuffs
became his muff. His gown was a beautiful old shirt of hers and
in his bag were little trinkets that belonged to her mother.
I wrote the poem that goes with him after thinking along time
about all the wonderful Christmas's mom gave to me and all
her children. Not just Christmas, but a lifetime of service and love.
She was a beautiful woman, an example to me, noble, a cherished daughter of God

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Taylor!

Can you believe that this cute little boy has grown up,

and turned into this...

good looking teen-ager? Happy Birthday Taylor, who turn's 13 today! He's grown
about a foot since we saw him this past summer!
Can't believe he's so grown up! I guess we're getting old!

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Make my life a Bethlehem

Just got back from our early morning choir practice before our big Christmas program. We are singing many beautiful songs, but one really touches me. The words are by Pamela Martin, and I'd like to share them.

Make my life a Bethlehem,
a manger of my heart,
Let me hear the angels sing and let the music start,
May I fall in simple faith and wonder to my knees,
In the manger of my heart- let Christ be born in me.
In my life there is a place that's scattered with the straw
of every disappointment, each regret and every flaw.
In this dark and dismal place my beasts of burden lie
weary from the heavy load they long to lay aside.
Come and sweep this this stable clean and swaddle it with light,
And let the Child be born in me upon a starlit night.
For though He's born a thousand times in far-off Bethlehem,
until the Savior's born in me I cannot worship Him.
Make my life a Bethlehem, a manger of my heart,
Let me hear the angels sing and let the music start,
May I fall in simple faith and wonder to my knees,
In the manger of my heart let Christ be born in me.

This song makes Christmas really personel. We may all go through the
motions each year as it says, "For though He's born a thousand times" but until
the Savior is born in me it isn't Christmas. By serving and giving of myself, by
being humble and loving as He did, by trying to be more like Him and having
that simple faith, then I will hear the angels sing.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

The PA Gang

It looks like they are having a fun time in the snow!
The PA gang loves to snowboard!

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas at Aunt Marty's

Jake got to be in his first program! He was a cow in the Nativity at our Christmas party.
He did his part just perfect, along with the rest of the kids.

My sister Marty was the hostess. She is so clever! First, we learned
how we are all connected, like links in a watch and short story about
our grandparents. After dinner, we decorated sugar cookies in
honor of great grama Bagley, Then the nativity. The scenery committee
put the stars on the background, the music committee practiced their songs,
and the directors helped the little ones into their costumes which were all ready
(thanks to Marty), complete with a stuffed animal that matched who they were!

Marty's darling twin granddaughters were the sweet lambs.

It was beautiful! Thanks Marty for a wonderful party. We loved it!!

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Friday, December 11, 2009


wouldn't it be fun to be all ready for Christmas, with a little money
left over, and a few weeks before, just take off?

Do a little shopping, a little sightseeing.

Take in the sights and sounds. sounds like a really fun thing to dream about!

Who's in?

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas's Past

Christmas is creating memories. I love to look at old pictures
of when children where younger. Fun times we had and are
still having. Our first Christmas tree...Happy faces..getting together with family&
will ever forget the only time gramps wore levi's?

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I heard the bells

I love the story of how the words to this song came to be. It is beautiful, how he found the strength to overcome great heartbreak and discouragement.

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Have I done any good for Someone today?

We are all busy buying presents,
wrapping presents, running around
getting everything done we need to do for Christmas!

Stop! Take a breath, look around for
something simple that will make
life easier for someone else. Then do it!

I would love to hear from you!

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Grandson # six !

Abby and Mike had their baby this morning at 9:01.
So Jake's got a new little brother.
He weighed 8 pounds 6 oz. and was 20 inches long!
He's beautiful, of course!

The proud grama and grampa!
Six little boys, no quiet little girls for us!

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree!

Whitney came over today to decorate my Christmas tree!
I have a little tree in the living room.
She and Nick always decorated the family room tree,
and I guess she's not quite ready to
let it go! I'm very grateful. She did a lovely job!

Jake came over to help. After it was all finished he put on
Grampa's glasses for the final inspection.
He said " the tree is beautiful" and it is!
Thanks Whitney for all your help.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

We had a lovely thanksgiving day! Nick drove in on Tuesday. Whit and Jason made tons of marvelous dressing! Jim's turkey was delicious. Jolyn and Kelly made wonderful desserts and I made my yams. It was fun having Jolyn's family here. I used mom's china with the pink roses, and to finish up we played dominoes following Jiggs' rules, so a little like thanksgiving days of old.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I am Thankful!

I have many reasons to be grateful .

Here are just a few.
Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Love, Polly

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