Saturday, December 5, 2009

Have I done any good for Someone today?

We are all busy buying presents,
wrapping presents, running around
getting everything done we need to do for Christmas!

Stop! Take a breath, look around for
something simple that will make
life easier for someone else. Then do it!

I would love to hear from you!

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Travelin'Oma said...

Last month when Dee had his heart attack, it was also the time when I collect 19 reports from my supervisors on how the visiting teaching went in their districts. It always involves a couple of hours on the phone, chatting, leaving messages, and then another couple of hours when they all call back with their reports.

One lady I didn't even know, called and volunteered to do my calling. She understood it was a big job, and wanted me to have some extra time to regroup after our big event at the hospital.

She explained that she was in a wheelchair, unable to get out much, and it would be fun for her to visit with the ladies while she called.

The next day she brought me my reports, all filled in, with written notes next to several names of sisters who needed extra attention in one way or another.

It saved me a lot of time, and stress, and I could concentrate on Dee's needs. She sounded happy about the calls she made, glad to be of service, and embarrassed that she couldn't do more.

It was a little thing, nobody will ever know how perfectly timed and necessary her service was, but I feel closer to her, and she's become a dear and appreciated friend to me.

Abby said...

I recently had a baby and it has been a little overwhelming. Between the no sleep and a little 2year old getting use to having to share the limelight, it has all made me a little more emotional then I like to admit. I have been lucky enough to have a mom who came over every day for the first week to help out. She played with Jake and made sure he was happy and was getting all the attention he needed. She cleaned my house, changed my wash, and even helped me through a horrible day of bowel issues. She has hugged me when I cried and not made me feel stupid for getting emotional about EVERYTHING.

I am very lucky to have such a great family who has been so willing to help me out. I try to do most things on my own without needed too much help from others. But when it has come to my two kids there is no way I could get through each day without the help of my mom.

(I know you probably won't use this for your lesson, but when I read the blog this was the first thing that came to my mind, so this is what you get!)

Love you mom!