Monday, January 5, 2009

Once Upon a Time

I thought it would be fun for my following (Marty and Jo) to make up a story with the pictures that I have put here in this post. Anyone else who reads is welcome to join in and make up a wonderful (but tasteful) tale of the sad, young and lonely woman looking out her window. Or is she old and happy, with lots of friends? Does she have a love letter in her hand or is it a note with devestating news? Is she happy or ready to jump??? Does she live in the house or is she a poor relation who is just visiting? or maybe being held against her will? What is her fate? Will the story end joyfully or is this a tragic tale? or will we never know? is your story a comedy, a romance or a mystery? look at all the pictures and tell me how your story goes in your comments. I'm dying to read it!


Travelin'Oma said...

Wow! I have lots of thoughts but it's 2:30 am and I don't have energy to write them all.

I actually think she's Mrs. DeWinter having just found a note written by Rebecca. And she is devastated. And then she has a bunch of adventures in her cool house and beautiful garden and woods, and then Maxim leaves her because he thinks she doesn't love him.

She goes to Paris and almost has an affair, but realizes she still loves Maxim. But when she comes back, she finds he's still gone. So she prays that he'll come back. And the last picture is the view he has of the front door when he drives up, just before she opens it and flies out into his arms.

And then they find out about Rebecca killing herself and the rest of the story is history. And they live happily ever after, because Manderley doesn't burn down. And then Jolyn rents it for a summer and we all go there and hang out. And Mrs. Danvers cooks and cleans for us.

mama jo said...

now that's a story....
my story is of the older woman and she's reliving her memories of living in the house. she's remember coming there as a young bride and being overwhelmed by the beauty of the house...of playing the piano with her children, of walking in the rain with her husband, sitting on the porch, watching the kids play, walking by the stream having some 'alone' time...and now she's always in her memories.

mama jo said...

now that's a story....
my story is of the older woman and she's reliving her memories of living in the house. she's remember coming there as a young bride and being overwhelmed by the beauty of the house...of playing the piano with her children, of walking in the rain with her husband, sitting on the porch, watching the kids play, walking by the stream having some 'alone' time...and now she's always in her memories.

mama jo said...

now that's a story....
my story is of the older woman and she's reliving her memories of living in the house. she's remember coming there as a young bride and being overwhelmed by the beauty of the house...of playing the piano with her children, of walking in the rain with her husband, sitting on the porch, watching the kids play, walking by the stream having some 'alone' time...and now she's always in her memories.

Travelin'Oma said...

I think Jolyn is so excited by her memories that she writes them each down three times so she'll have even more to remember when she reads them.