Monday, June 29, 2009

A lot of Gratitude

This past month I've worked hard, with my friend Teri to plan a youth conference for these kids. I was working with a bit of a handicap. Big problems with my back. I just prayed that I would last til youth conference was over. I have to admit that I was feeling really sorry for myself. I couldn't believe that I would continue to have health problems. You know, lets get over with it once and for all.. but here I am again, facing back surgery. I expected to be the teacher at youth conference, but instead I was taught by these wonderful kids. They were so great..some are facing unreal problems, yet they support and love one another and they are incredibly strong. I came away feeling so grateful for my parents and the kind of home I was raised in, for my husband, my kids, my home. I was touched by this group's strength and their faith. I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to serve these special kids. They will always hold a special place in my heart and I am thankful for how they taught me to be "forever strong".
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our Incredible Journey!

We completed our youth conference yesterday. For my friend Teri and I it has been an incredible journey. As always when planning something like this you want so badly for everything to be perfect for the kids. We worked very hard planning, trying to think of everything. In the end I think we learned the most valuable lesson. " If you are prepared, you don't need to fear". We were prepared, there were a few things we forgot, but were quickly remedied, things didn't go exactly perfect, but the Lord's spirit was there and because we had made the effort, He stepped in and took over. He gives me this lesson over and over again and I guess I'll just have to keep having the lesson until I get it. But He wants me to work really hard on this earth, to have trials, to try and figure things out, to be prepared for anything that might come up, and then right at the right moment, when it's time He reveals Himself big time! He really has been there the whole time, but He wants me to work through it, I guess to show me my strength or help me to have another lesson on faith. Youth Conference was was a great success for our kids as well, they were perfect in every way. Not one problem, couldn't have asked for more well behaved kids, willing to participate. They made it fun. Wow! Now a little rest for the weary!
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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!

My Dad taught me a ton about life. The best thing he taught me was to be happy! He was one of the happiest people I ever met. He taught me how to work, he taught me how to be a salesman, he taught me how to harmonize, to think, to be positive, to enjoy life. He tried to teach me to golf! I learned the game of basketball by keeping stats for him as he coached. He treated my mom like a queen and made me feel special. I have been told by other people that he made them feel special too!
He accomplished much in his life, I learned from him that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. But the thing he taught that was the best, was how to love and really enjoy life! Happy Fathers Day to a Great Dad!!!

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Vacation to Remember

Thirty years ago Jim and I went on a vacation we will never forget! We flew to London on the Concorde with mom and dad. From NYC to London it took us 3 hours and 20 minutes! We could see the curve of the earth we were flying so high and the sky looked purple!

After spending a week seeing the sights of London and the countryside of England,

it took us a week to sail home on the QE II! What a fabulous experience!

Who are these guys??? they look too young to be anyone I know...and why are they running all over the world, staying up dancing all night? And who's taking care of the children???
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On his Way!

Nick took off this morning! Left for Colorado Springs, his new home...I am all ready missing him, but excited for his great adventure. Can't wait to hear about what kind of apartment he finds, what his new friends and students are like. As always, it will be as fascinating as reading a novel!
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Monday, June 15, 2009

The Wedding!!!!!

The Happy Couple
June 14,2009 was a perfect day in sunny California! Here are a few pictures of a beautiful wedding. It was wonderful. Tyler and Melanie were perfect hosts to their family and friends for a great weekend..very stress free for the parents!!! (look very close, do you notice anything different about Jim)?

Having family and close friends there made everything perfect. The bride and groom looked fantastic. I've never seen either of them happier!

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baseball Boys!

Finally got James to send some pictures of the PA gang! We may never see these boys again, as they are pursuing their baseball careers.
Hogan is making sure he hits the ball out of the park, while Luke shows that he has the DeSpain pitching arm!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Too busy to blog!

Before I run off to the beach to see Ty and Melanie get married I've got alot to do!!!!
There's a lot of beautifying to be done this week!
And which dress to wear to a beach wedding??? this one? that one?
or maybe this? Let's see...i'll have to hurry, I think it is vogue pattern #4057...i hope my sewing machine still works! (who's kidding who? I don't even know how to sew..guess i'll go shopping)
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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Garage Sale Anyone?

What happens when you have three good friends who like to shop, but also like to clean? They have yearly garage sales! We had ours today! Pat's very nice and ultra clean garage could be a lovely little shop! (don't give us any idea)!

Some happy customers!

My closet is clean and tidy and and these purses have found new homes elsewhere! It is nice to have someone pay you to take your stuff away!
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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Is this really necessary?

Sometimes when decorating my home I feel guilty, thinking do I really need this treasure? Is this necessary? I can truthfully say that almost everywhere I look in my home, I could tell you a little story behind most pictures, my dishes and linens, books..those things that decorate a house, the "things" that make a house a home. I for one think they are important! Those "things" say who lives here. They are a bit of our history.

Your possessions express your personality. Few things, including clothes, are more personal than your cherished ornaments. The pioneer women, who crossed a wild continent clutching their treasures to them, knew that a clock, a picture, a pair of candlesticks, meant home, even in the wilderness.

-Good Housekeeping, August 1952
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Busy Week!

After a busy week I am planning on taking a day off tomorrow! There's nothing like staying at home and just relaxing! Hope you have as nice a day as I plan on having!
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