Monday, June 15, 2009

The Wedding!!!!!

The Happy Couple
June 14,2009 was a perfect day in sunny California! Here are a few pictures of a beautiful wedding. It was wonderful. Tyler and Melanie were perfect hosts to their family and friends for a great weekend..very stress free for the parents!!! (look very close, do you notice anything different about Jim)?

Having family and close friends there made everything perfect. The bride and groom looked fantastic. I've never seen either of them happier!

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al + sar said...

DID JIM SHAVE HIS MUSTACHE??!! What a pretty wedding, wish we couldn't gone! Congrats on another married kid!

Travelin'Oma said...

The wedding looks beautiful and so do you (and Jim.) Congratulations on gaining an awesome new daughter.

mama jo said...

it was a fantastic day...a very fun weekend...

Merz said...

Wow! What a pretty wedding, John told me everything was perfect! Looks like everybody had a blast!