Monday, June 29, 2009

A lot of Gratitude

This past month I've worked hard, with my friend Teri to plan a youth conference for these kids. I was working with a bit of a handicap. Big problems with my back. I just prayed that I would last til youth conference was over. I have to admit that I was feeling really sorry for myself. I couldn't believe that I would continue to have health problems. You know, lets get over with it once and for all.. but here I am again, facing back surgery. I expected to be the teacher at youth conference, but instead I was taught by these wonderful kids. They were so great..some are facing unreal problems, yet they support and love one another and they are incredibly strong. I came away feeling so grateful for my parents and the kind of home I was raised in, for my husband, my kids, my home. I was touched by this group's strength and their faith. I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to serve these special kids. They will always hold a special place in my heart and I am thankful for how they taught me to be "forever strong".
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Travelin'Oma said...

Good luck with your surgery! I hope you're "back" to normal quickly!

Momma Fish said...

I hope the kids in your ward know how lucky they are to have such great leaders.