Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I am Concerned!

Today the President of the United States is giving a speech to the children of this nation. I am concerned by the uproar by so many around this country. Many people do not want their children to hear any speech given by this President for fear of what he will say to them. Before I go on, I want to state that my political views are usually conservative, although I do look at what a candidate says and does before I vote for him or her. I just feel that it is a sorry state of affairs that because of party lines we have lost sight of the respect we owe our elected officials, especially our President.
Laura Bush and other very conservative Republicans have read President Obama's speech, and have encouraged parents to let their children listen to what the President has to say. President Reagan and President Bush gave the same type of speech about furthering education in this country and there was never this kind of uproar about them talking to our kids.
I was just a little girl when President Kennedy was in office. My parents were republicans. I am sure they did not agree with all that he did or his politics. But they taught me to respect the office that he held. When President Kennedy came to SLC in September of 1963, and spoke in the Tabernacle, my mother took me to see him, because it was historic! The President came to our city! What an honor! I learned from their example that you don't have to agree with somebody, you certainly should fight to change things that you feel need changing, but you always respect those that are serving, and you certainly don't turn a deaf ear to what they are saying..otherwise how do you know whether you agree or disagree?
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whit said...

Mom I couldn't agree with you more..You said it perfectly. It bothers me when people are disrespectful to our leaders..any leaders.

Travelin'Oma said...

Way to be a concerned citizen! I'm surprised that parents wouldn't want their kids to be encouraged by the president of the USA. You said it well!