Saturday, September 12, 2009

People I Admire

Marty's assignments inspired me to write about Grama Lundgren and how she taught me! She was such a kind and gracious lady. And she had a talent of making me feel special. She had 7 children and, I don't know, about 45 grandchildren. But I always felt like I was just a little more special than the rest. I'm sure I wasn't, so I feel it is a talent or a gift when someone can make the people they come in contact with feel that way. Feel that they are important, that they are great just the way they are and that they are loved. Grama made me feel that way! We wrote letters to each other when Jim and I were first married and we lived in Logan, and she would write how it was for her when she was first married. I loved it when I received an envelope with her very distinctive handwriting on it. Grama also had a great sense of humor. She enjoyed life. She was a lady of grace and beauty and I would like to be like her.
Others that have shown me lately, by their example are my brother and sister in law..Tam and Kevin. I loved watching them while we were in Mexico. They don't just go down there and give stuff to the people. They give of themselves and the people feel it. They love these people that they serve, and like Grama Lundgren, they make each one feel special. What a gift, not just to give the material goods that are so needed, but to give of yourself.
I came home feeling that, I may not be able to start a foundation for people in a different country, but I can follow the example of my Grama and these great people, by just making the people around me feel special, by taking interest in those I come in contact with and going out of my way to show love and interest in my neighbors, my family, in strangers at the store!
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Travelin'Oma said...

Grama did have a talent for making us all feel special. (She had 24 grandkids, by the way.) I love these pictures of Tam and Kevin. How awesome that you could be part of that service!

mama jo said...

she only had 24 grandkids? i thought it was alot more...anyway..that was a great is wonderful to give of yourself...and the amazing thing is, we can all do it, free of's something we should all remember to do...