Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,

It's been 12 years since you left us! Wow, lots has happened with the family. Your darlings have grown up and multiplied. It seems such a short time, yet when you look back and realize what has happened its been quite a while! What with Jamey's four growing up so fast. You'd love to watch them play baseball! Luke lost a tooth this past week and Hogan's getting braces. Jack is such a loving child with the best smile and Taylor is almost as tall as his dad and got straight A's! What a group. You would love spending time in Whitney and Jason's lovely downtown apartment. I can see Whit having you for a delicious luncheon and then showing you a few Yoga moves which you would embrace with enthusiasm! You would be breathing a sigh of relief that Ty finally got married, but know that the wait was worth it when you meet Melanie. Perfect for him in everyway. I spend a lot of time over at Abby's, since I help with Jake! What I wouldn't give to have you there with me for an afternoon, just listening to his funny little sentences "Come help me Grama Polly", Let's build it taller and taller Grama Polly". I'm sure he'd soon be saying "read me a story Grama Junie", and you'd be enchanted, as I am. Nick is off teaching others, and I know you would think as I do that he is the best teacher in the world. What a great man he has become. The family continues to grow, with Abby due in a month. Another boy! Life is an adventure, your example and wisdom and love showed me how to live it.

Thank you and I love and miss you.


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al + sar said...

I cant believe its been 12 years. I love your tribute and pictures.

mama jo said...

that was beautiful...hopefully all our children will carry on her wonderful legacy....

Tom and Julie said...

I'm sure she KNOWS what's going on with you and your family....I'm sure she's so proud of you and your kids. Well done, Pod!

Travelin'Oma said...

I can't believe Mom's been gone for 12 years. I'm still learning from her every day!