Thursday, November 19, 2009

Do you see any resemblance?

I spend a lot of time with this little boy.

Everyday he reminds me more and more of.....

his mother!!! not just his cute smile, but his personality.

He is a very determined little child. He knows what he wants and how to get it.

He just smiles, puts his arms around me,

and says "I love you, grama polly"!

That about does it.

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al + sar said...

he is so cute!

Travelin'Oma said...

These two look exactly alike!

Anonymous said...

He looks alot like his mommy! Weird how the gene pool continues it's cycle wheather we like it or not! Worts and all, good and bad!!! in this case, good! Brooke had her baby this morning at 11:40 am 7 lbs 11.5 oz. and she has hair, black pretty hair. it's so cute, and she is soooo cute too. no name yet though! i will let you know when they have a name.
love christie