Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Kelkemp Hug

I remember that most wonderful feeling when I was little and scared in the middle of the night. I'd run to my parents room and climb in next to my mom. Feeling her welcome arms around me never felt so secure. Or running down the sloping grass of grampa's backyard into his outstretched arms. The overwelming feeling of love when your newborn babies get put in your arms for the very first time and you get to feel their warm skin against your own. Pure heaven!! Then their hugs as they get older and they crawl into bed with you and you are their security and they cuddle ever so closely, oh for such a short time. My grandson's know that grama must always have hugs. It is part of the deal. I'll be their grama, but they must give me hugs on arrival and departure. (Inbetween is optional for them, but much appreciated by me). A few years ago, I was in the hospital and because of the nature of that hospital, there was very limited human contact. The showers there had no water pressure and the shower head could not be moved. I am very short and because of this, the water went right over my head. As a result of this my showers were basically sponge showers. Upon my arrival home there were no big open arms waiting to enfold me in a huge hug. But my shower at home has a lot of water pressure and I can move it so it shoots on my back and shoulders and neck. It was the closest I could get to a warm, enveloping hug. I was reminded of the all time best hugger. At that time I decided to learn how to hug like him and would name the hug in his honor. It would be called the "Kelkemp Hug". Because he never let anyone get passed him without letting them feel his enthusiam for life and love for all people with that beautiful smile and outstretched arms and then the warmest hug in the world. That will be my goal, to learn, to perfect and to pass on the "Kelkemp Hug"!

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Momma Fish said...

That is the most tender thing I have read in a long time. I hope I can stop the tears and get on with work.

Travelin'Oma said...

This is such a sweet post. I love the picture, too.