I gave a lesson in Relief Society on Sunday. It was
based on President Monson's talk
"Have I done something special for someone today?"
I've been thinking about this talk for several months,
knowing that this lesson was coming up. I love President Monson's
example of service to those that need it most.
In my lesson we talked alot about helping those
we come in contact with on a day to day basis.
Helping each one we meet feel special.
I decided as a new year's resolution,
(along with all the obvious ones that I make each year)
that I would try each day to make someone
I come in contact with feel special and good
about the day and themselves.
It shouldn't be such a difficult thing.
But sometimes I get caught up in
what is going in my life and forget others.
But how much better my world will be
if I can make just one person a day
feel better about themselves and
their own life. Just a smile, or a hug
or an encouraging word can help
brighten anyone's day. It certainly
can't hurt!