Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A beautiful Day.

"What matters most is that we learn from living."
Doris Lessing

I had great parents. They gave me a great childhood.
My mom taught me about being kind and serving others. My dad
taught me to work and to never give up. They weren't perfect, but who is? They
lived great lives and I will ever be greatful to be placed in their home, to
learn from their example. I continue to learn. Today I learned from my
little two year old grandson. After a dreary winter, we went outside for an
hour. I had been feeling a bit down and as Jake ran around his
backyard like a prisoner being let out of jail, he kept yelling loudly,
"it's a beautiful day, grama- it's a beautiful day". " Look at the dirt, look at
the leaves, jump on the trampoline grama". As I jumped, he said "I have a
jumping grama!" I learned from Jake today that it is a beautiful Day.

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Travelin'Oma said...

A jumping grandma! What kid wouldn't have fun with a jumping grandma!

Abby said...

I'm so glad Jake has a jumping grama to play with him all day. We are lucky to have you!