Sunday, February 14, 2010

going to church

(Norman Rockwell)

(my husband does go to church with me)

I love to go to church. Not because of the pious feeling (as this picture depicts, although it is cute!) you sometimes
get when you go, I like to go because I love everybody there.
But most of all because of what I learn. ( isn't that why we go?) I have gone to church all my life, and I am still learning and
relearning. That's why I can never stop, because I have to continually be retaught and internalize
all the lessons and be reminded of what is important. I learned today that Jesus loves me, unconditionally. (Haven't I heard that somewhere before)? He was humble above all others. When He lived on the earth, he taught: "I came down from heaven, not to
do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me..." (John 6:38) He did His part to help us return to Heaven.
I am eternally grateful and will not question such a great gift. I love the people in my ward, these people have pretty much learned the lessons and live by example, "love one another," and I feel that if this little corner of the world is just a bit like Heaven then Heaven will truly be a glorious place. The reason being is the feeling of love is so tangible you feel it. No one is living a "charmed" life. Everyone is real and we all learn from and feel for each other. There is no judgement, just love. When I feel down and not quite myself,
whether it be circumstance or something I've done. I think of these good people and I think of the Savior and I
am so grateful that they are there for me, what a blessed woman I am.

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Anonymous said...
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Travelin'Oma said...

You do live in a blessed corner of the world.