Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rehab- My Angels

The lessons and learning are easy. The living is hard. Can I be true to myself and this new found sense of peace. I know I have to, I want to. Time flies, good times, bad times - sometimes, I feel closer to those in my group than my family. Though there are those blessed with compassion and understanding even when they do not understand. For these angels I will always be grateful and thank God for placing them in my path.

I have a friend, one that I talk to most days. She knows me well. She lets me ramble and cry and is with me through all the ups and downs of this roller coaster life I'm living. No judgement, just love and concern, asking nothing in return. Did she agree in Heaven to be a special angel, assigned to me, to watch over and bless my life always? What a task she took on, with no payment-except for my admiration and eternal gratitude. Through this experience I learned that only some people are here for the thick of the thick and thin. I found a few who stayed with me regardless, you see they remembered promises made, possibly before we were all born and that lovely daughter and stalwart son never left me. Physically or emotionally. Drug addiction is an ugly business, even in recovery - because it is so hard to understand. These two put aside their own emotions and became totally selfless as they stood beside, encouraged and loved their mother. Whatever victory I enjoy must be shared with them for they have seen me at my worst and because of them and many others I will work hard so they can see me at my best.

In a talk given by Elder Holland he spoke of angels. He said "Have angels ceased? Behold I say Nay. Angels are not just from the other side of the veil. They live in our neighborhoods."

Well, I'll tell you (this is me talking, not Elder Holland) they live in my house, my neighborhood, across the street, next door, all around. I am so grateful each of you were prepared and live your lives so you could bless mine.

There was a day, that day that put all of this into motion. The day when I had taken too many pills.
I was in great need. I do not feel anything is by chance, and so at this time in my life, my dear friends Pat and Teri were my visiting teachers. We see each other so often and talk everyday so they don't always make formal visits, but they do take care of me. They did happen to visit me on that particular day. That day that saved my life. I write about these two sisters because they were inspired by the spirit and acted upon it. They aren't just my friends, they are my sisters. They acted as Christ would have, with charity. "Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever: and whosoever is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him." None of us here on earth is perfect, but when we serve in His name we become as close to perfect as possible. On that day they took care of a sister in need to perfection. They were as close to the Savior as one could be here on earth. "Wherefore, my sisters, who have prayed unto the Father with all energy of heart, that you may be filled with his love; that when He shall appear we shall be like Him". Teri and Pat have His light shining through them.

Always angels wherever I go. But angels must listen. There are chances for all to be angels. In the future I might be called to be an angel for someone, but miss my chance if I don't live my life well and listen to promptings. I might be in the right place at the right time, but if I'm not aware and not in touch with the spirit then I won't remember that I promised once a long time ago to help someone in need, and oh, how sorry I'll be if I miss out on that wonderful opportunity to show someone that I love them and care for them.

To all of you who helped me along the way,

Thank you for being my angels.

Love, Polly

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers;

for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Hebrew 13:2


Travelin'Oma said...

I think there were more angels than you even know. Lot of loved ones loved and prayed for you during those hard times. I'm glad you came out the other side.

Abby said...

I'm glad you're able to write about this time in your life. It seems to be helping others who are having struggles.