Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Sun after the Storm

I enjoyed a beautiful evening last night. Relief Society in Teri's lovely backyard. Tasty salad's, wonderful company and a speaker who had so many timely reminders on what is myth and truth in our lives. What a nice way to end a busy day. She spoke about how we are all here to learn and grow. Whatever happens in our lives is for that purpose. It made me really reflect on the past few years. The many difficulties, hardships, mistakes, and problems. All for reasons to grow. For my own growth, for my loved ones. Everything is for a reason. But if we just sit and let it steamroll over us it will be for nothing. Not everything is perfect right now, but comparitively speaking my days are so much better. Never will a day go by that I will not be grateful for good health. Looking at the pictures from my last post, I can only be joyously happy that I could enjoy such a day with friends and little ones and have the health to be there and the stamina to take care of those two boys. I know that storms will always be on the horizon, but that is the way it is suppose to be and I know now that I have the strength (with Heavenly Father's help) to see myself through those storms and look forward to the beautiful sunny days that always follow.

1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

Your Relief Society nights are always inspiring to me!