Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Love to the Girls of the Harvest Boutique

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Harvest Boutique
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
How my Dad influenced me.
Her answers are: Tell her she's smart. Take an active interest in her schoolwork. Listen to her when she expresses an opinion. Make eye contact. And it doesn't hurt to tell her she's pretty, but let "smart" trump "pretty". Laugh at her jokes. Tell her your stories. Pay your daughters as much attention as you do your sons. The list goes on.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Harvest Boutique
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I Continue to Learn
There are many things in this life that I would have liked to be, that I just wasn't that good at..

" Everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from".
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Scream or Do Flips?
Do you ever have one of those days? months? years? I think everybody does. We try not to talk about it. Some are more successful than others. I have a friend who has had lots of those days/months/years. But this particular friend always laughs. When he used to live in the neighborhood, and whenever we would get together, for some reason during the evening he would always run and do a flip! He did this whether we were at a neighborhood gathering or a church gathering. We would always laugh and cheer him on. During the summer, we had a fun party and this particular friend was there. He is my age, which makes him 57. Halfway through the evening, we all said "can you still do flips?!"
Never to say no to a challenge he got up and did his famous flip! We all laughed and applauded. I think I'll start following his example. Even with a bad back, doing flips sounds better than screaming! (Or maybe screaming and doing flips at the same time) Whatever as long as I'm laughing.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Putting the Garden to Bed
It's getting to be that time of year. The flowers are still in bloom, but they are wilting a bit. Things are looking a little shabby. But the colors are vibrant~in a different way. That beautiful fally way. Where I don't have anything to do with it. The planting, weeding, watering, fertilizing, caring for are done for the year and yet everything looks lovely in a way that I could never achieve. Is it because I stand back and let nature take its course? I have worked hard all summer to achieve some sort of masterpiece in my yard, and yet God provides us with the season of fall when all things come together and it is just how it should be. I can wander around my garden, look at my flowers with the added colors that fall brings and be amazed that I don't have to do anything but sit, enjoy and be grateful. The work is now complete.
As I walked down my path on this fall day, I look at each name engraved on each stone. A name, a date of birth of a child, a dear grandchild, marriage when loved ones joined our family. I have loved, nurtured and cared for each of these. They are colorful, vibrant and unique, just as all my loved flowers in the garden. I look at the individual names and appreciate the differences that each one offers. Just like when I mix all kinds of lovely flowers together to make a bouquet, then stand back to enjoy the beauty as those flowers together make a perfect arrangement. With my family, as in a garden, it is the Fall Season. I have done pretty much what I can and must stand back and allow God, (who certainly knows much more than me) to do His magic. And He will, He always does.
I just need to look out the window.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Crafting Beautiful
"The purpose of the craft is not so much to make beautiful things as it is to become beautiful inside while you are making those things."
-Susan Gordon Lydon
I have enjoyed making these flowers/pendants for our "Harvest Boutique." There is something to the idea of creating. Working with different fabrics, colors, cutting, stitching, creating something pretty out of nothing but scraps. If I can't get my hands in the dirt and grow flowers during the winter, this is the next best thing!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Good Friends
Kent and Betty invited us to go up to their cabin. They are the best at getting people together for a fun time. Never a lot of fuss, just everybody bring something and head on up to the mountains. They open their home, their cabin and their hearts to anybody willing to bring a little food and lots of laughter.
As we walked you could hear chatter and laughing from across the lake. We had people ask if we were a reunion or on some kind of retreat. "No, just neighbors," we would answer. Neighbors who love being together. Although spending just a few hours with this group is like going on a retreat.
Spending time with loved ones, laughing, enjoying the beauties of nature is good for the soul.
Thanks to Kent for always having a bright smile and a "Hi Neighbor."
No matter what hits him he stays upbeat and happy, an example to all of us who are blessed to have him as our friend.