Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How my Dad influenced me.

I read an article by Ann Cannon yesterday. She wrote about how a friend who had a difficult life carried on with resilience. The answer was that she had a good dad. She had a good mom, but having a good dad was a double blessing. No one had to convince her that she was as good as the guys, she already knew it. Because of her dad she could hold her own in a room full of men. And she wouldn't even know she was doing it,  it was second nature to her. Ann goes on to ask, "how do you raise a daughter like that?"
Her answers are: Tell her she's smart. Take an active interest in her schoolwork. Listen to her when she expresses an opinion. Make eye contact. And it doesn't hurt to tell her she's pretty, but let "smart" trump "pretty". Laugh at her jokes. Tell her your stories. Pay your daughters as much attention as you do your sons. The list goes on.

I had just such a dad. He talked to me, and gave me such confidence that as I grew he listened whether he wanted to or not. He told me I was beautiful when I smiled, which made me want to smile alot. He told me I could accomplish anything I set my mind to. He took me to work with him from the age of 12 and taught me how to work, and the importance of work. During those years of working with him he told me stories of his life and lessons he learned.
When I was young my dad coached church basketball. At a very young age he taught me how to take stats during the game. It was my job to sit close by the bench, so during time out, and and half time he could look over my stats to see how the team was doing. I never missed a game. I learned the game of basketball. I felt a part of his world. I felt important and included.

How grateful I am for a dad who loved me enough and was smart enough to teach me to believe in myself. To give me self-confidence. To teach me the value of work.
To love me.
Thanks dad.
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al + sar said...

He really was such an amazing guy! We are all so lucky to have had him in our lives! Love the old pictures.

Travelin'Oma said...

Good old Dad. I don't remember him telling me I was pretty. But I knew I was, because I looked just like him.

mama jo said...

that was a great post...we really are lucky to have such a wonderful dad...