Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Continue to Learn

I have a friend. As we have walked and talked our way through 30 years of friendship, we have discussed many things. The state of the world, religion, our children, ourselves, just why things are the way they are. The answer that we continually come up with is "we just don't get it." I guess we just aren't that smart. But we continue to love, laugh and learn. I think learning is the key here...

I've decided that I was put on this earth to learn. Always, never getting to the point where I've learned enough. When I was in rehab, my counselor told me I was successful, because of my ability to learn. I remember how awful it was for me to be there. How horrible I felt at the thought that I could find myself in such a predicament. Yet I felt as long as I was there I might as well listen and learn everything they had to offer. And I did learn.

There are many things in this life that I would have liked to be, that I just wasn't that good at..
I love to paint - even though I am not a painter.
I love to sing - even though I am not a singer.
And so I learn. And as life goes on and gives me experiences, and I say "I just don't get it?" I ask myself, " what can I learn from this, what will this experience teach me? Will I learn to love more completely, or be more compassionate?" I don't know, all I can do is try. Even if my painting isn't beautiful or the notes aren't right on pitch at least I made the effort.
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" Everything in life has purpose.  There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from".
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

It's too bad they don't hand out degrees for experience.