Sunday, December 19, 2010

Just a Little Choir

Our ward choir has something of a reputation. We have been together over 30 years. I would say mostly because of the love and dedication of our pianist, Pat. She can play anything you put in front of her and she has such a feeling for picking out beautiful music for us to sing. But it is more than that. It is her heart. Her love of music and the people she serves. That comes through as she plays, as we practice, as we sing. Because of her we want to sing. We want to bring people joy through music. Our little choir has seen better days. We don't have as many tenors as we used to. But the few that are remaining sing with great heart. Some of our voices aren't as strong as they once were, and we might not be able to hold out our notes like we once did. But we continue to serve through our love of music and touch lives as our little choir has always been able to do.
Betty is our choir leader. She continues to encourage us to look up from our music, so that we will all end at the same time. We can't see as well as we once did and sometimes it is difficult to see words, music and conductor while trying to get used to tri or bifocals. Even as hearing goes, we don't hit those notes quite on pitch, which is why I stand next to another Betty who has perfect pitch. I will follow her forever. I've been singing next to her since we began, 34 years ago, and I'll sing next to her until she sings no longer and then I too will no longer sing.
It is interesting to me, that with the many negative things happening in this world today. Just taking the time this weekend to sing a few Christmas songs with these lovely people, who are simple, sweet, kind and good, warms my heart.
Makes me realize that Christmas is about the Savior who was and is simple, sweet, kind and good.
Merry Christmas my wonderful ward choir.
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Travelin'Oma said...

Being able to sing is a blessing!

Billie Sue said...

Loved this post! I feel much the same about music, as you know. I remember when we sang in the choir up in our little branch at USU. I laughed about the ability to carry out the notes and hit the notes we used to. Age does that to us, but the love we have for the Savior and for the music that expresses our love for Him, allows us to join in the excitement that first angelic choir exhibited as they sang their joy at our Savior's birth.