Thursday, December 16, 2010

Merry Christmas Maude

Another Christmas Card going out to my dear mother-in-law. She has been gone for about 11 years now. Never was there a sweeter lady with a right merry old laugh! Just like St. Nicholas himself. She was even blessed with his twinkling brown eyes. They twinkled when she was just visiting with you. But if she started laughing then they really got twinkly and bright. The best part about her eyes is that, even though she may not be with us anymore - she left her twinkle as if by magic on some members of her family. Of course all 3 of her children have those beautiful brown eyes with that same twinkle. Different grandkids and great-grandkids have received her eyes. Her grandson Eric and a few of his daughters, Tristin and Kendra have their grandmother's eyes. My son James and his son Hogan, who never met his great grandmother have the twinkle. Her gift to us was her unconditional love, her kindness, her welcoming arms whenever we walked into her home. Our gift to her, especially those that were touched by and given her magical brown eyes, is to keep that twinkle, that love of life that joy and love of family alive.
Merry Christmas Maude.
 Love you, Paula
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