Monday, February 21, 2011


I've been starving myself and can't lose any weight.  No time or money or reason to shop. Waiting for spring and it just keeps on snowing.  Every day there is an inch of dust from Jim's project. (the bathroom) , don't feel like cleaning.  I've got the flu for about the 4th time this year. 
It's February and the winter blahs have set in. Since there isn't anything else to do I thought I'd do a blog makeover... again. 
 If I can't give myself a makeover
and I can't give my house a makeover,
and I can't get outside to plant and weed and generally get started in my garden,
then I guess from now until whenever that time comes I'll fiddle around with my blog. 

Wouldn't it be lovely to go inside your closet and click something
and have all your shirts and sweaters change colors?
Instead of gray, black and brown -
they would be a rosy pink or a soft blue?
or maybe an eye popping orange!
Then onto my house and there would be bright floral arrangements
everywhere, their scent would be reassuring me -
 spring is coming!
I could click and the dust would be gone from Jim's sanding.
Click - and my yogart meals would produced my youthful
30 year old figure once again.

Of course my computer doesn't live with me in my real life.
It lives downstairs,
which is why when I am upstairs,
 living in the real world,
I come down here and makeover my blog quite often.

(I am usually quite a content person, but you know, it's February, it's snowing, I have the flu, the winter is long~ blah, blah, blah)

1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

Oh... I am so sorry for your "winter of discontent." I drove in my driveway the other day and saw the buds on the aspen trees and thought, "Oh, spring can't be far away." Then I woke up Saturday morning and as I was lying in my bed, just looked out my south window. You can see the 18 acres that stretch from our house to the Provo River from my bed and all I could see was three to four feet of snow covering every inch of ground for acres and acres! I said to Earl, "I think there is a lot of winter left out there." We used to sing, "When it's springtime in the Rockies," as we fed the cattle when i was little and it was a winter/spring snowstorm. I also told Earl that whomever wrote that song was pretty optimistic! I started to do a remodel project this winter and then I've spent every Saturday with my sisters at my Mom and Dad's house cleaning since the beginning of the year, so all my furniture is sitting in the middle of my living room floor! Maybe another lunch date would make us both feel better! Thanks for sharing.