Thursday, February 17, 2011


My daughter has been tired lately. Her youngest child isn't sleeping very well. And both her kids have been sick this winter - alot. It's an old story. But not for her. When I go to her house and see her tired eyes, I feel so bad for her. But I can't do a thing. She is a mother and must live through this time in her life. It doesn't do any good to say that I lived through this with five kids. Because, that was me. When you are living through your own trials it doesn't matter if the whole world has gone through it. You are the tired one, the sad one, the broken hearted one. My sweet niece just wrote in her blog about her sorrows of not being able to have a baby right now. How broken hearted she is. It doesn't matter how many others have gone through this particular heart break. It is hers, and she suffers as no one else could, because it is her heartbreak. The one thread that links all of this together is that we learn a bit of compassion through these trials and heartbreaks. We learn to love a little more deeply. We learn as we go through our lives and have different things happen to us that one of the greatest blessings we share are our sisters, our mothers, our grandmothers, aunts, and girlfriends. Because, even though we don't share particular sorrows, we have had our own and so we understand and we love deeply and care for one another. I am ever grateful for those that have given me strength to move forward when I have hit bumps in the road. Women of strength and courage who have overcome and continue to overcome difficulties and sorrows, yet they smile and laugh and serve others.
Each of these sweet women have a different story to tell. They have all had sorrows and triumphs as they lived and still live with grace and compassion.
They are examples to me.
How could I live without my mothers, sisters, daughters?
The bond is strong, unbreakable.
Each has a different strength, a unique characteristic,
something that makes them beautiful.
And friends, what would we do without our dear friends?
They share everything with us. They laugh with us, they cry with us.
They are like sisters.
How fortunate to be women. We feel deeply. That is why when things go wrong, we feel as if we can't take another step. Yet, we have one another to take that step with us, to hold our hand, to love us unconditionally.

I am so grateful for the many women in my life.
They have been an example to me, they have taught me, they have been there for me,
they have laughed with me,
but most of all they have loved me.
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Billie Sue said...

Beautiful thoughts expertly expressed! Your words are so true. I love seeing the pictures and trying to put a name to a face. Sharing is very nice. Thanks for your thoughts. Love, Billie Sue

al + sar said...

Loved this! Thanks Polly....Im teary now! Life definitely throws unexpected things at us, but luckily we can make it through with the love and support of friends and family.

Travelin'Oma said...

I think a family is a good cross-section. We can't experience everything (thank goodness) but through those closest to us we experience their good and bad. It gives us a wider view of life, and new compassion. I think putting us in families was a great idea.

Abby said...

Great post. Thanks for your thoughts and for you constant help. You sure make this tired mom grateful to have you around!