Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This blog is probably going to get me in a lot of trouble. 
 My son in law doesn't like attention. 
He went all the way to Hawaii to avoid any fuss over his 40th birthday. 
But I thought since I'm the mother in law, I'm suppose to do things that bug sons in laws. 
So I'm honoring Mike today. 
He swept my daughter, Abby off her feet 10 years ago, when they took off for Hawaii and got married.  They have since had two of the cutest little boys ever. 
(I know, I spend lots of time with them). 
He is very quiet, very smart, has a good sense of humor, loves to golf and fiddle with his computer and other things that I don't comprehend. 
 He is very kind when I need him to help with my computer problems. 
 He loves to play with his boys! 
 How grateful I am he came along and found Abby - or was it the other way around?
Whatever... Have a great vacation...
You deserve it! 
 Happy Year!  Happy Birthday!
Sincerely your,
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Thursday, September 22, 2011


Give me a rocking chair and a baby, and I'll give you a lullaby. 
 I've got alot of old songs swimming around in my head. 
 Songs from when I was young. 
 Songs my grandma, grandpa, aunt and my dad taught me. 
Silly songs, and beautful old songs. 
We would sing them under the stars on summer evenings in my grandparents backyard. 

My children didn't sit around and sing with the grandparents,
but those same songs were sung to them by me as I rocked them to sleep.
 So they know all those old time tunes. 
 My little grandson Jake sings along with me as I sing to Sam and Dylan. 

We've got Dylan here for several nights. 
 As I rock him to sleep, singing those old familiar songs,  he looks up at me as if he knows the words. 
His eyelids get heavy, and soon he is asleep. 
Nothing better, than holding a baby and watching him drift off to dreamland as you sing those old songs.
As he sleeps and I rock and sing I feel a sense of peace. 
 (Is it because I hear a few extra voices?)

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Monday, September 19, 2011


After being gone from these kids for over a week,
 it was good to be with them again.
With little ones it is always surprising how much they can change in such a short time.
Dylan is crawling and pulling himself up to furniture.
Sam is acting more like Dylan is his friend.
Jake continues to be my pal and helper.
They had a five minute jumping around welcoming party when they saw each other.
 Jake told me he missed me about five times.
Sam let me snuggle with him.
 It's good to be missed.

Lots of running around outside, playing, walks and just plain old fun.
Life is simple in this little world.
 It is a place where we eat when we are hungry.
We laugh alot, we hug and give loves.
Somebody cries when they get hurt and are quickly made to feel happy again.
Mostly we learn how good it is to have grass to play on and sun to shine on us.
It doesn't take much to make this group feel good!
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Saturday, September 17, 2011


We arrived home today.
 I've been promising pictures.
They can't do justice to what we've seen,
and felt.

"Keep close to Nature's heart...and break clear away, once in awhile,
and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods.
Wash your spirit clean."
~ John Muir

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
 Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy,
 while cares will drop off like autumn leaves."
~John Muir

"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."
~John Muir

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
places to play in and pray in where nature may
heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul."
~John Muir

These beautiful places have certainly given strength to my soul.
What a wonderful world.
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Friday, September 16, 2011


As we travel home I have to say again, I have never seen such beautiful landscape. 
From Yosemite, to the Sierra's, going toward Lake Tahoe. 
We've been blessed with gorgeous weather. 
We've seen sunsets like no other. 
 Blue lakes, and blue sky's. 
Mountain passes and rolling hills. 
The pictures I post will never be able to really show the true beauty of these spectacular sights. 
Out of all our vacations this one has won the prize for most scenic, most inspiring, most breathtaking. 
We have certainly had a great time, and remember this particular trip always.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I can't even begin to describe how all the beauty that we are seeing is affecting me.  Everywhere we go is more astounding than the last place, or different with its own beauty. From the waterfalls, to the meadows, to the peaks of the mountains to the Mariposa Grove with its Sequoia's.  It all takes your breath away, while leaving you with the most peaceful feeling.  I can't wait to post our pictures (of which we have many).  Totally enjoying ourselves with our friends, the Winchesters.  So grateful to be able to see different parts of this country we are so blessed to live in.  Off for more adventures tomorrow...only halfway through our adventure.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


We've just about got everything we can fit in the car.

The driver and navigator are ready. (The movie watchers are ready also).

We are off to see the sights of Yosemite National Park..

and Lake Tahoe.

It should be lovely this time of year.
 Can't wait for the fun to begin.
Will report on the beautiful sights we see!

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011


One of the best things in my life has been having an older sister.
We were kids together. Grew up together. 
 Shared clothes together.  Had kids together.
Watched our kids growup together.
Worried together.  
Became grandmothers together.
Love those grandchildren together.
Getting wrinkly together.
Getting old together.
 Have fun together.
Share experiences together.
Watch out for each other together. 
There is nothing like a sister.
Have a Happy Year.
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Monday, September 5, 2011


The last days of summer I enjoy sitting in my garden.
Enjoying the sun, reading a bit, but mostly sitting and listening to the last sounds of summer.
It gets dark earlier, so I can't sit out as late anymore.
The summer is coming to an end. I always get sad.
I love the warm summer evenings, going without shoes or a sweater.
But I do love the changing seasons.


Thursday, September 1, 2011


Today my dear friend Pat had a Garden Party.
 "Good bye Flowers - Hello Fall".
How thoughtful of her to take the time to prepare, so we could sit, enjoy one another's company, enjoy her lovely garden, with some wonderful refreshments.

 Of course the weather cooperated.
 After weeks in the high 90's, with the south winds,
we have settled into low 80's with a very slight breeze.
 A perfect day.
As you can see, the surroundings are lovely.
Pat's cottage is decorated in red, white and black.
Her grandchildren love it.
In the summer months, she teaches her piano students inside.
What a perfect place to learn and appreciate music!

The guests were all happy to enjoy an afternoon, as if we had nothing in the world to do.
Thank you Pat, for taking time out of your busy schedule.  To create a few hours for everyone else to slow down, relax and enjoy a pleasant day.
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