Thursday, September 22, 2011


Give me a rocking chair and a baby, and I'll give you a lullaby. 
 I've got alot of old songs swimming around in my head. 
 Songs from when I was young. 
 Songs my grandma, grandpa, aunt and my dad taught me. 
Silly songs, and beautful old songs. 
We would sing them under the stars on summer evenings in my grandparents backyard. 

My children didn't sit around and sing with the grandparents,
but those same songs were sung to them by me as I rocked them to sleep.
 So they know all those old time tunes. 
 My little grandson Jake sings along with me as I sing to Sam and Dylan. 

We've got Dylan here for several nights. 
 As I rock him to sleep, singing those old familiar songs,  he looks up at me as if he knows the words. 
His eyelids get heavy, and soon he is asleep. 
Nothing better, than holding a baby and watching him drift off to dreamland as you sing those old songs.
As he sleeps and I rock and sing I feel a sense of peace. 
 (Is it because I hear a few extra voices?)

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Travelin'Oma said...

I bet they are singing along!

Billie Sue said...

I can hear you, not just see you, rocking and singing to those babies. What a good grandma you are and especially to sing...I love it!

abby said...

I love to hear Jake singing old songs that were sung to me at night. Always puts a smile on my face.