Monday, September 19, 2011


After being gone from these kids for over a week,
 it was good to be with them again.
With little ones it is always surprising how much they can change in such a short time.
Dylan is crawling and pulling himself up to furniture.
Sam is acting more like Dylan is his friend.
Jake continues to be my pal and helper.
They had a five minute jumping around welcoming party when they saw each other.
 Jake told me he missed me about five times.
Sam let me snuggle with him.
 It's good to be missed.

Lots of running around outside, playing, walks and just plain old fun.
Life is simple in this little world.
 It is a place where we eat when we are hungry.
We laugh alot, we hug and give loves.
Somebody cries when they get hurt and are quickly made to feel happy again.
Mostly we learn how good it is to have grass to play on and sun to shine on us.
It doesn't take much to make this group feel good!
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Billie Sue said...

What a wonderful grandma, to help your little boys know the things you have spoken of. I admire you.

abby said...

Cute post - I'm so glad these boys will grow up being close to each other and to you. Its fun to hear of all the things Jake has to tell Grama Polly. They are lucky to be able to spend so much time with you.