Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Marriott. Park city. Lovely

We have been here a few days. I have to say it has been fun watching these little ones enjoy themselves. Jake Looks so grown up in his tiny ski boots, after coming in off the slopes with his mom and dad. He can't wait for More. Both Sam and jake love the steaming hot tubs. So much steam in the cold snowy night you can hardly see each Other. But they laugh and splash and jump in the snow and then back into the hot tub. Then back to the room where their warm pjs wait for them. They go not stop,til they finally drop mid sentence and are finally asleep. If you want a great winter vacation, try the Marriott right by the park city ski resorts. It's lovely, although, I think I'll Need a nap when I get home.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Park City

Abby and Mike dropped the kids off this morning so they could spend a day on their own. (it's their wedding anniversary) Later this afternoon we'll head up with the kids to spend a few days. Can't wait to enjoy this beautiful location just a short ride from our home. Jake has been learning to ski this year, (so has Abby). Next year will be Sam's turn. While the three of them are out in the cold,  Sam and I will be taking it easy at the steaming pool. Should be a lovely way to welcome March in.  A change is as good as a rest.  Will report on our activities!
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Hogan

It's Hogan's Birthday! Can't believe he's eleven years old. Hogan is so much fun to have around. He's usually got a big smile that lights up his face. His eyes twinkle like his great grandma DeSpain's. He's determined when he plays sports, and he plays all sports very well. We are grateful for grandson # three and hope he has a great year!
Love you tons. Grama
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A week in February

It's been a fun week around here.  Last Thursday we had another fun Cousins party at Jolyn's.  I think these parties are going to become regular traditions with our family.  The girls love to get together.  We visit and eat and just have fun.  This time the little one's were invited.  They ran, screamed, played, ate and also had a great time!  We got to celebrate Kerry's engagement and meet her fiance!  Thanks Jo for hosting.

Jason, Marta and Abby hosted a 30th birthday party for Whitney.  So we had another party on Saturday.  Delicious pizza, Abby's ceasar salad and her new to die for dip for apples.  Could eat the whole bowl (without the apples)  Love to get together with the fam!

And... remember the picture in January of our book cases.  Well, Jim is happy to announce they are finished.  I love the way they turned out.  Thanks to Jim for all his hard work.  It's nice to have the house put back together again. 
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Saturday, February 18, 2012

To My Whitney

I can't believe my baby is turning thirty today.  I can remember so clearly the day you were born, and it seems like just a few moments ago.  After having tiny babies, it was fun to have a chubby little one that I could cuddle and hold.  I knew you were the last, and so I held onto you a bit longer.  I had the time to enjoy each step you took and enjoyed every minute of it.  I loved watching you grow from a shy little girl into a self-assured beautiful, talented woman.

There are so many sides to you Whitney.  You are part of a family.  You are a sister, a friend, a loving aunt to seven little boys.  You are a romantic, an outdoorsman, a dreamer, a teacher.  You are creative, you are loving and kind, you are a daughter and a wife.

And you are about to become a mother.  You will be an amazing mom.  You have so much love to give.  Your little one is lucky to have you.  Happy Birthday to you.  Thank you for blessing my life these last thirty years. 
Love, mom
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Child's Laugh

"A child's laugh could simply be one of the most beautiful sounds in the world."
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Valentine to my Mom

I found this note today.  It is a letter written to my mom on February 11, 1995. We had just talked on the phone, and she was so upset that there was nothing she could do for my sister Jolyn.   I thought I'd write it down as a Valentine to my mother. 

Dear Mom,  I've thought so much of you the last few days and I had to write down some thoughts.  Pat asked me to talk tomorrow to the Young Women about what mothers can give their daughters to help them. The gifts you have given me are exactly what I will talk about.  Yesterday when I was talking to you and you said you felt so helpless and couldn't do anything for Jo- I felt so bad. Then later when talking to Jolyn, I realized the strength she had, the same strength I have felt when going through hard times, and I know I will feel if tragedy ever strikes.  I realized that you shouldn't feel so helpless, because you and dad were the ones who gave us that strength through your example and the way you taught us.  You have prepared each one of us to face whatever is ahead.  No one can say what will happen to any of us or our kids in this life.  But you have prepared us by giving us belief in ourselves and teaching us to have a great faith in Heavenly Father.  You must rest easy knowing that you have done what the Lord put you on earth to do, and now it is your support and love, which you always give, that we need.  My greatest desire is to give these same gifts to my kids, cause I feel the world and the trials we face can only get worse.  But with those same tools you gave us, we can still have a wonderful life.  Jolyn will continue to have stress and heartache.  I know she will face it with strength and peace because she was raised by the same wonderful, loving parents that I was and you gave us everything we need to face this life.  Thank you for that gift.  I love you and dad very much.  Polly
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Sunday, February 12, 2012

A lovely Day

As this day comes to a close, I just have to write how thankful I am.  It has been a lovely day.  Starting with beautifully falling snow.  I taught the little ones in sharing time.  As I look into their eyes and teach them to Choose the Right,  I actually feel that they are listening and want to do what is right.  We talked about what a difficult world this is for these kids, even as young as they are.  But they are positive and happy and wanting to make right choices.  One boy said that he "stood up for his friend."  I was touched when he said this.  It is hard for small children to go against the crowd and "stand up for a friend." We talk about these kinds of things each week, so the kids can remember when they make a right choice.  All things must be practiced to become something that comes naturally.  
After church I went back to choir, after missing for about a month.  What beautiful songs we are singing.  As I sat next to my friend, Betty, following her perfect alto voice, I remembered sitting next to my Grandmother in church when I was very small.  She would point to the notes as she sang the alto part to the hymns, and I would sing along.  I think I first loved singing as I listened to my Grama's alto voice in church.  Visiting with friends this afternoon to plan an upcoming trip and relaxing with Jim while we watched the world turn white ended this peaceful day. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Melanie

Since the first day Tyler brought Melanie to meet us, we have loved her.  She is such a kind, thoughtful, loving daughter in law.  We couldn't ask for a better mother for Dylan.  And perfect wife for Ty.  She is a hard worker and has let me have the opportunity to help with Dylan.  (who is just one of seven perfect grandson's.)  He is a calm reflection of his mother.  (Did I mention that Melanie is also beautiful!)

Happy Birthday Melanie. 
You have created another wonderful family for us to love. 
Hope this year brings you much joy and happiness.
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Home Improvements

Last year at this time of year, Jim was working on updating a bathroom.  This year we are working on making some improvements to our family room/kitchen. 

so, as busy as Jim is, he comes home every night and works on these bookshelves.
I always tend to make things difficult and decided to paint the wall after the bookshelves were put in.  Without saying a word, Jim painted the wall and is now almost finished with the bookshelves.

The room seems bigger with this newest addition.  Can't wait to have them finished.  So thankful for a husband willing to make my dreams a reality. 
Removing some cupboards from the kitchen is next on the list.  Spring is coming fast this year, so we don't have much time for indoor projects. 
Pictures of finished projects will appear shortly!
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Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday's with the Gang- a quick ride, some digging, wrestling and some bird watching.

The weather has been unseasonably warm, so we are able to spend afternoon's outdoors.  The kids act like they have been let out of jail.  They run and yell and drive and dig and swing.  Smiles all around.

Dylan thinks he's as old as the other two.  He thinks he can drive, climb, swing and dig with the best of them.  He loves to jump on the tramp. 
Jake wanted to bird watch today, so we did just that.  He saw a tiny little baby bird in a tree.  He told me he was thankful Heavenly Father made birds.  I told him I was thankful Heavenly Father made him!

After all that fresh air, Sam just wants to relax.  But Dylan and Jake start the wrestling match that is ongoing with them.  Of course, as soon as Dylan clobbers Jake, he makes a fast exit. 
He's no dummy.  He knows Jake is bigger than him and he better get out of there fast!
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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Gravity- keeping me grounded

As the years pass it is inevitable. Things begin to droop, slip out and fall out of their place. Everything in my body seems to be going in a downward spiral. It is a weird feeling, because I feel that my mind - though fuzzy at times is quite elevated and in a happy place. As a woman I try to do simple things to try and temporarily fix the state of my body. That awful underwire that I whip off as soon as I walk in the door. (I only wear it when going somewhere special, so I look like I have a waist.)
 Lately another problem has arisen reminding me that the years are very quickly marching all over my face.  When putting on my blush, I find that my cheek bones are harder to find, or they are really low. My blush used to go just under my eyes. Now it goes on somewhere to the side of my nose and my mouth. My cheek bones are falling or disappearing
Whatever, I've just turned into a different version of who I was. I've decided to welcome this new version of me with enthusiasm. She's not the young, perky girl of my youth. She is a wise woman who has raised five children, been married forty years, has a saggy body and droopy cheek bones. I am now looking for make up tips for mature women. (Only problem, I can't see when putting on makeup, so am not sure of outcome.)

Coco Chanel says:  "Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fify/sixty/seventy." 

I guess I have earned my face, droopiness and all.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Life has its Seasons

"Life has its seasons-its bright summer days,
Its autumns made poignant with memories' haze,
Its cold, lonely winters when bitter winds blow-
But always the crocus of Hope in the snow.

Always the day when the morning breaks through
And clouds break away to a skyful of blue.
Life has its seasons - its sun and its rain,
Its winter - but always the springtime again."

~Helen Lowrie Marshall
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