Sunday, February 26, 2012

Park City

Abby and Mike dropped the kids off this morning so they could spend a day on their own. (it's their wedding anniversary) Later this afternoon we'll head up with the kids to spend a few days. Can't wait to enjoy this beautiful location just a short ride from our home. Jake has been learning to ski this year, (so has Abby). Next year will be Sam's turn. While the three of them are out in the cold,  Sam and I will be taking it easy at the steaming pool. Should be a lovely way to welcome March in.  A change is as good as a rest.  Will report on our activities!
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1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

I was going to call you yesterday, as I had about 5 hours to spend in between competitive dances. I decided not to interfere with your Sat. Sounds like a good thing! Enjoy yourself!