Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Snowball fight in May?

It started many years ago..quite innocently with another set of little boys.  We were sitting outside one Sunday in May and Jack started pulling the snowballs off my beautifully blooming bush and our May snowball fight began. 

And so, when the snowballs start blossoming, another set of little ones look forward to that last snowball fight of the season. 

This was Dylan's first year.  At first he didn't seem to get what was going on.  "What? we take the flowers off the tree and throw them at each other?  I don't get it.."  until that first soft blossom hit his face, then he threw one at Jake and got him SMACK!  dead on! Lots of laughing and no one gets hurt.  (except my poor snowball)  oh well, she's there to serve.

Of course Jake and Sam are old hands at this game.  They aim straight for the camera.

It's always fun to have a change of scene, to run around in grama's garden, look forward to traditions.
A few weeks ago Jake would say.  "Grama, first we go on vacation, then the snowball fight, and then SUMMER!!! 
Summer's here! 
More adventures to come.
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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

It looks fun! What a cute grama to donate your flowers!