Sunday, May 13, 2012

To Mothers and Great Women through our history

I am still on a historical high from our trip.  As I go through my pictures I am reminded of the great women who have had an impact on my life and also on the history of this great nation. Way back in the beginning there were women of great courage.  Women who underwent great hardship and heartache, yet accomplished extraordinary things.  We know the ones in the history books.  Yet there were countless others who helped make this nation the great country it is today. 

I grew up on stories of World War II and am always amazed at the women of that time period.  They must have had incredible strength to have gone through the great depression only to send their husbands, sweethearts and sons off to war. 

War is awful for any soldier, yet those women who care for their men often go unoticed and unmentioned.  How heroic to watch, to care for, to love and sometimes fight as well.

I was particularly struck by this monument, having visited it last with my father.  There was a group of World War II vets there.  I visited with the lovely woman in the picture.  She was gracious, kind, and grateful that I would thank her for her service during that particular war.  What a sacrifice, and what a brave woman to go off to war when she was young.    

How grateful to have been taught by my mother and grandmothers to love and appreciate this great country.  I love them, the heritage they brought with them when they came to this country.  I love their values, their strength, their courage.  I am blessed to have been taught by valient and great women.  To these and many others I wish a Happy Mothers Day.
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1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

Could not have been said any better by anyone. Beautiful post. Thank you!