Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Becky and the Boston Marathon

I've always admired Becky's speed. 
She puts her mind to something and gets it done. 
 She keeps her busy family on schedule as they come and go to work, school baseball, basketball and soccer. 
 She's a  happy wife and mother to our son and four grandsons. 
Yesterday I was really grateful for how fast she can run. 
 She finished the Boston Marathon in under four hours...even though she was sick. 
 She was away from the finish line when the bombs went off.  
 So today I am grateful for a determine, happy and
a very fast
daughter in law. 
Way to go Becky!!! 
 love you tons!

1 comment:

mama jo said...

she is amazing! and so lucky...that's pretty scary!