Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

As I sat outside this evening, enjoying the beautiful night I started thinking. 
 I am so grateful for a few days to reflect on my heritage. 
To be able to think about those who came before and sacrificed so much that I am able to live in such comfortable circumstances. 
 I love history, love learning about ancestors and their lives. 
 I have thought a lot about those people who came across the plains as pioneers and others who crossed the ocean because they believed in the gospel and wanted a better life. 
I am so grateful for parents and grandparents who loved and taught me by their example.

I remember and pay tribute to all these loving family members this day. 
 My life has been blessed because of them.

Each time I go into my garden I think of Maude. 
She loved peonies, lilacs, snowballs..and anything else that grew. 
 My mom and both my grandmothers loved gardening and so I guess I have the dirt under my fingernails naturally. 
What a gift this is, because being outside with my plants gives me a great sense of peace.

Love the tradition of going to the cemetery to honor those who have gone on before. 
 What a beautiful and peaceful day it was yesterday to sit and remember those loved ones. 

To teach the little ones the importance of honoring those who have died for our freedom. 

"On this day for one brief moment, hear the silence fill the air
Think of those who walked beside us, now no longer there,
Then don't cry but hear their laughter, for their spirit lives inside
Let that mystic stream of memory fill our hearts with pride!
Make us humble, make us knowing, and accepting what is done
On this day for now, forever, make this nation one..
On this day for all the fallen, make this nation one."
~Charles Strouse

Friday, May 24, 2013

A Lovely Day

I woke up yesterday to a beautiful sunrise..
and the sight of lilacs and snowballs.

      Then a visit from Wren and Whitney. 
 A laughing baby, lots of sunshine
and  some time in the garden.
What a lovely day.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


"I listened by the doorstep as the evening shadows fell,
While from the distance floated the faint tinklings of a bell,
The night hawk circled overhead then dropped straight down below,
The same as when I first lived there, in childhood, long ago.
The trees have grown much taller in the yard where once I played,
And now looked so majestic in their summer robes arrayed;
And near the walk the lilacs flung their fragrance to the air
The lilacs that my mother planted for us there.

"...Oh, sweet and fragrant lilac, the one she loved so well,
Thy fragrance brings to memory sad thoughts I cannot tell;
Sweet lullabies of childhood sung at the evening rest,
By mother clasping closely the one she loved the best.
A voice that gently whispered sweet words of love to me,
a face so kind and gentle, a heart with love so free;
Still yet my heart throbs feel them, still yet I see them there,
When lilacs that she planted with fragrance fill the air."
~Ed Blair

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day to Becky, Melanie, Abby and Whit!

Wishing a happy Mothers Day to these beautiful moms. 
 They are amazing women.  They are raising amazing children. 
They are so busy, yet always realize what is most important and that is those kids. 
 I am so grateful for them and am happy to be apart of their lives. 

"The mother memories that are closest to my heart are the small gentle ones that I have carried over from the days of my childhood. 
They are not profound, but they have stayed with me through life,
 and when I am very old,
 they will still be near..Memories of mother drying my tears,
 reading aloud, cutting cookies and singing as she did,
 listening to prayers I said as I knelt with my forehead pressed against her knee,
tucking me in bed and turning down the light. 
They have carried me through the years and given my life such a
firm foundation that it does not
rock beneath flood or tempest."
~Margaret Sanger
This is exactly what these girls are doing as they take care of my grandchildren.  The same things that my mother did for me.  The small things that form a firm foundation as little children grow into adults. 
Happy Mothers Day to
Becky, Melanie, Abby, and Whitney

Saturday, May 11, 2013

June Bagley-Happy Mothers Day to my mom

It's been a busy day.. I've been out in the garden, loving the sun and having my hands in the dirt. 
 But as I finally have a few minutes to myself, I think of my mom. 
 It's not just on Mother's Day that I think of her.
  I think of her almost every day.  I miss her every day. 
 I was blessed to have a wonderful mother. 
She taught me by her example
She dedicated herself to being a wife, mother and homemaker. 
Her home was always lovely. 
 Holidays were especially fun around our home as she put her special touches everywhere. 
 Even casual meals were special, nothing ever just thrown out on the table. 
 Always beautiful dishes set on a placemat with a cloth napkin and silverware. 
 There was always a warm feeling in our home. 
 I feel this came from the love that was felt there. 
Happiness met you as you came through the door.  
 I am so grateful for the relationship I had with my mom. 
 She wasn't just my mom, she was my best friend. 
We would talk for hours on the phone and visit together when ever we got the chance. 
 I am grateful for all the many lessons she taught me,
 for the way she lived, for her example,
her testimony,
her dedication to my dad and to us
 (her children).  
"Your arms were always open when I needed a hug. 
Your heart understood when I needed a friend. 
 Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson. 
 Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly." 
~Sarah Malin
Happy Mothers Day
I love you always..

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

"It is your Reaction to Adversity..."

These last couple of months we have had our share of adversity. 
When it rains it pours. 
After Jim lost his job we have had many rainy days. 
 But as cheesy as it sounds...the sun always comes out after the rain. 
 For as many down days as we have had..there have been days full of blessings. 
 In February Jim got called to the Bishopbric, which has been a great blessing in our lives. 
 We also had time in February to visit the PA gang which we usually don't do in the winter months.  Each time I go through a difficult time it makes me aware of those around me who have it worse and my compassion for them deepens. 
 Going through adversity continues to strengthen my faith. 

I love this quote. 
 I remember telling my son when he was going through difficult times that when things get really tough, give yourself a day or so to be sad, but then pick yourself up.. start thinking of what you have to be grateful for and get on with life. 
 Have faith that things will work out. 
 Things do work out one way or another. 
This last week another bump in the road. 
 My back has gotten to the point where the nerves have made it so I am limping. 
 My left leg is getting more numb and dragging quite a bit. 
 The doctor is worried that some of the damage to my nerves is beyond repair. 
 So I have been a bit down this past week,
 wondering again why..
why is it pouring rain yet again?

And then I go outside

I look at the signs of spring.

I see my lilac blooming
 (the very lilac that Maude gave me for my birthday so many  years ago) 
It thrives and blooms each year reminding me of that sweet lady who taught me to love trees and flowers and nature. 
 I hear the sound of my fountain, so soothing as I fix our evening meal.

I see these beautiful plants waiting to be put in the ground. 
 They will make my garden lovely.

I look out from my front porch and see this view and am uplifted. 
So with any adversity that goes on in my life,
 I don't even have to leave my home to find many wonderful things
 to make me grateful that I am alive. 
Things that strengthen my faith, and help me know that all will be well.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Grandkids are the best!

Brought Dylan home last night for a little one on one. 
 He always has a good time jumping on our bed, watching Bubble Guppies and playing with Grampa Jim. 
 What a happy little boy he is!!!