Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lessons From My Mother

I've been thinking a lot about my mom this week. 
 I had a decision to make and really wanted to talk to her. 
 I would have loved to hear her voice telling me what she thought I should do. 
 As I thought about her I imagined what she would say to me.  
Her most important priority was her family.  I think my mom had a bit of an adventurous streak in her.  
She was the one who killed the spiders, caught the mice, birthed the puppies,
rode on the rides at lagoon and disneyland. 
As the picture above shows she got up on that camel. 
 I'm sure dad was watching, as he did as she took care of the spiders, mice and rode the rides. 
 But she chose to stay at home and take care of us. 
 She was the quiet one, standing back so dad could shine.  
Some people may call that old fashioned in this day and age. 
 I call it unselfish.  
She loved us so much. 
 She was graceful, kind and good. I have tried so hard to be like her and come up short, 
but using her as an example keeps me always striving to be better.  
Thank you mom for leaving little bits of yourself behind.  
Your handwritten letters, your kind acts, your traditions, your love of the gospel and your family.
  When I am troubled or trying to make hard decisions,
 all I have to do is think of you and your life and I usually get my answer.  
You've been gone for a long time..but because of the way you lived your life,
 you will always be with me.   


mama jo said...

that is really beautiful!!! funny, but, i always have thought that the mom was supposed to kill the spiders etc....she taught us we'll!!! we we're blessed to have such a fantastic mom...and you've taken right after her!!

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