Thursday, June 7, 2007


I've wanted to share this story with Heidi, because I thought it was sweet, although in the middle of all that's going on over there, you might want to put it away in a book and read it later. Here is this sweet story. Two little twin baby girls were born prematurely. One weighed 2 lbs 2oz, the other just barely 2 lbs. The doctor's decided to put them in seperate incubators so that if there was any infection, they wouldn't pass it to each other. The bigger sister was doing ok and growing a little, but the smaller sister was having a harder time. Not growing and getting weaker. It finally came to a crisis where the doctors couldn't do anymore medically. One doctor decided to try one last thing...he picked up the tiny sister out of her incubator and slipped her in with her big sister. The bigger baby immediately wrapped her arm around her sister. And the smaller baby snuggled up next to her big sister. Within hours she had stabalized. She started to gain weight and strength. The doctors felt that the love of the big sister strengthend the small baby so she could get well.. I know your babies didn't have these problems, but I am sure the bond is just as great..what a special blessing, because just think of how we feel about our sisters that are just regular sisters..Their loving arms are always there to help us through trials, sickness, joy, whatever..Your two little ones will have an even closer bond. Hope all is going well in the Ballou home..

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