Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Wedding of the Year!

Last night Jim and I (and the rest of our ward) went up to the Wasatch Room of the Joseph Smith Building and got to witness our two dear friends get married. It was one of the funnest evenings I can remember. There were about 200 of our ward members there, who had been through the horror of Eileen's husband dying suddenly about 4 years ago and we had all helped Terry through the awful years of his wife's cancer. They had the room just beautifully done and were greeting everyone as we came in, just as excited as two young kids...and the love and excitement was caught as soon as you saw them. All their kids were there...those kids who had played together when they were little. Their two oldest sons stood as witnesses and they were best friends as little boys. Out Bishop married them. His talk was funny and sweet and Eileen kept turning around and laughing at all of her friends. After we ate the fantastic dinner and no one wanted to leave. We all decided it was the best ward party we'd ever had. (Too bad the ward doesn't have that kind of budget) was perfect and fun to see two middle agers that had been through some pretty hard times looking so happy...and their kids looked happy too! I hadn't been out for a while, so getting dressed up and getting to go there was really fun.

1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

It sounds like a very fun night for everyone! I'm so glad you got to go!