Monday, September 10, 2007

I love my Home

I'm rereading a book I read as a little girl. Mom gave it to me in 1966, 41 years ago!! I've always loved it because it was about a mom who expressed her joys, sorrows, worries, happiness. She recognized the value of giving children a good start in life. Here is a quote from the book that I read yesterday. She's getting a little older and her children are trying to get her to move to a smaller place. This is what she thought of their suggestions. "Everything looked familiar,-friendly. There would never be another real home for her. Home was something besides so much lumber and plaster. You built your thoughts into the frame work. You planted a little of your heart with the trees and the shrubbery. It was the only old home the children had ever known. There ought to be a central place, to which they could always bring their joys and sorrows, - an old familiar place for them to return to on Sundays and Christmases. An old home ought always to stand like a mother with open arms. It ought to be here waiting for the children to come to it, like homing pigeons." As she looked beyond the poplars, stared for a moment beyond the Lombardy poplars into the deepening prairie twilight. No, she said quietly, you wouldn't understand. It won't be lonely here." I loved this passage because it is how I feel about my home. It is not a big house, There are many things that need fixing and updating, but I love to walk around the rooms and the yard. I do love to travel and see new things, but if I can't, I can vacation in my own backyard, laying on a lounge chair. I am grateful for these simple pleasures.


Jake said...

what book is that? sounds good!

Travelin'Oma said...

You have made your home an extension of yourself. It always feels welcoming and looks beautiful.

mama jo said...

is that from "a lantern in her hand"? yes, you have made a beautiful, wonderful home for everyone to enjoy...

marta said...

this was beautiful! i do love your house and feel homey whenever i'm there. i adore it's constant updates with your moods. it is full of laughter and everyone is always welcome to look in the fridge for some cold drinks. i love pulling the cozy covers up and chatting about celebrities and memories..