Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Enjoying Christmas!

Have I said how much I am enjoying the Christmas Season this year?  I guess getting older is another thing to be grateful for, because I have learned that Christmas always comes on December 25th and somehow everything gets done and everyone is happy and what was I so stressed about?  So as I get old and a bit wiser I am learning to enjoy the ride, knowing that the season comes and goes all too fast.  Yesterday my two dear friends...Teri and Pat came for a visit.  It was fun to turn on the Christmas lights, some music in the middle of the day, so things would be relaxed and a little festive and then sit down for a nice chat.  I love them and it is comforting to have them take the time to come over and visit on a snowy day.  

Jim and I went shopping the other night and met some old friends we hadn't seen in about 20 years.  We didn't even recognize them at first. But after awhile we started visiting and talked for about half an hour.  He'd worked with Jim years ago..we got caught up on families, how we missed mom and dad,  and he told us some fun stories about teaching tennis with Tom, we checked out and went to load our purchases, we realized we couldn't fit them into our car and our new found friends passed by and offered to pack them in their truck and follow us home! So we not only renewed an old friendship but were served by them as well.. I mention these silly little stories, because I call them Christmas miracles!  I wanted this Christmas to be lovely and have prayed for it to be peaceful, even praying for things like the Christmas lights to all work and the printer on my computer to run smoothly so I wouldn't be frustrated, and I realized that I must then look for and acknowledge when these small blessings come along...for it is answer to prayer. These small acts of kindness and seemingly unimportant gifts are given to me and can make the Christmas Season most meaningful and joyous.  

1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

This is the perfect reminder. What good are blessings if we don't have time to notice them?