Thursday, May 28, 2009

Old Friends

Toni and I met when we were about one! We lived on the same street. We grew up together. We got married to two guys who were friends, about the same time, and had five children at about the same time. We've stuck together through thick and thin. And we still can laugh as if we were silly teenagers over very simple things. Having old friends is one of the best parts of getting older! (small note for Marty: the above picture was taken when we were seeing you and Sherrie off for your Salzburg adventure. We were 15 years old. Remember how the whole neighborhood came to wish you well)?

About 40 years later!!!!

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mama jo said...

still cute

whit said...

love both of the pictures..old friends are the best!!!

Travelin'Oma said...

What cute photos. When you were 15 did you ever dream that you'd be 55? The song is true. . . you've got a friend.